The President Reiterates That Sotomayor and Ginsberg Should Recuse Themselves From All Future Trump Related Cases – IOTW Report

The President Reiterates That Sotomayor and Ginsberg Should Recuse Themselves From All Future Trump Related Cases

15 Comments on The President Reiterates That Sotomayor and Ginsberg Should Recuse Themselves From All Future Trump Related Cases

  1. No.
    They (Ginsberg, Sotomayor, Kagan(ovich), and Roberts) should be impeached and removed for having never read the Constitution. Their ignorance of the Constitution is profoundly disturbing.
    Recusal is NOT enough.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Just saying what most sane folks are thinking. That is one of his strong points. This is also why his enemies, particularly the eRepublicans, keep complaining about him going past the media and right to the American people. Any time you hear someone complain about his Twitter usage, yea you Ben Shapiro, that takes the mask off.

  3. …shouldn’t even have to ask, with Ginsberg. She’s been dead for years. That’s just her already leathery skin stretched over a repurposed Disney anamatronic being operated by a gay Muslim Fungineer, and there’s no provision in the Constitution for AFTER-life appointments to the Bench…

  4. Like I said, Wise Latina has let the genie out of bottle with her dissent that not one other liberal signed onto.

    The other judges need to be united in their condemnation of private conversations they’ve had that prove how biased she is and call out her legislating from the bench as being impeachable to her office for violating the oath to uphold the Constitution she never read.

    The thin black line of their exclusive club has allowed this star chamber of activists to run roughshod over the law and half the country.

  5. Lets see. Ginsburg clearly has severe problems with loss of bone mass in her spine. You can see it in her stooped over posture

    And then she fell hard enough to break a rib. But somehow, magically, that fall didn’t damage her spine, because there was that video of her walking about a year ago. And when someone asked her how she was doing she snapped, “Fine” And when certain people started saying maybe that wasn’t Ruth, the enlightened ones sneered “Conspiracy theorist”

    So that settles it. It may be that Ginsberg’s ribs aren’t connected to her spinal column, or something. Or maybe it’s only the top half of her spine that is a total mess, while the lower half is as strong as a mule’s Or maybe it’s the fact that I have some back problems myself that is “clouding” my judgment.

    Now that I think about it, maybe Epstein did kill himself

  6. They had to prop the bader gator up with a stick and attach strings to her limbs to give the appearance of life. They did not have to do anything with her head, that’s been dead for years and nobody’s noticed.

  7. If they are biased against Trump they’re biased against the right. They should, by now, have learned to keep their traps shut. Opening them shows us their education in general is lacking.

  8. If memory serves me correctly both Ginsburg and Sotomayor both officiated at gay weddings prior to ruling on the legality of them. But like what was previously stated left wing judges/justices NEVER have to recuse themselves

  9. How do we really know that RBG is still alive? The left cheates at everything. RBG might actually be dead and they are waiting until after the election to announce it.

    I want to see her walking, and not an old video.


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