The President seeking to ban public housing assistance to illegals – the left goes nuts – IOTW Report

The President seeking to ban public housing assistance to illegals – the left goes nuts


Undocumented immigrants in New York City, the Trump administration is enforcing a rule that would ban housing assistance. A new proposal from the Housing and Urban Development (HUD Proposal) would make two regulations affecting 11,000 New Yorkers with mixed immigration status.

The proposal was on May 10, but it draws closer to its July 9 due date.

According to Fox News, HUD Secretary Ben Carson said “, we have millions of legal Americans in line waiting for these very scarce resources.”

Changes To The Rule

Section 214 prohibits HUD from making financial assistance available to undocumented immigrants. A new rule would require verification of immigrants who are covered for housing assistance.

“HUD’s proposal is yet another example of the Trump administration’s relentless attacks on immigrants,” Immigration Equality Public Affairs Manager Spencer Tilger told Nu Origins. “Access to affordable housing and other social services are key for supporting immigrants.”

The proposal would make prorated assistance pending upon the verification process. Under the current regulation, mixed-status immigrants households can receive a prorated assistance.

“It can’t work,” Carson said via Fox News. “When we have perverse incentives drawing people here.”

The proposal also specifies individuals who are ineligible immigration status may not serve as the leaseholder. It doesn’t matter if that person is part of a mixed-status family receiving assistance based on the percentage of eligible status members.

“This proposal would cruelly and needlessly punish mixed-status families,” Tilger said.


13 Comments on The President seeking to ban public housing assistance to illegals – the left goes nuts

  1. Yes, Diana Ayala & her like-minded tribe will go nuts, bitch, moan, and call others inhumane raciest terrorist.

    But there’s at least one sure thing she and her tribe wont do –
    they won’t open their own checkbooks, or credit cards and pay rent for the illegals they claims to care so much about.

    They don’t mind being inhumane terrorist themselves (by their own definition) – when it comes to their own money – is my bet.

  2. Public housing assistance to illegals.
    According to Fox News, HUD Secretary Ben Carson said “, we have millions of legal Americans in line waiting for these very scarce resources.”
    Not one illegal immigrate should be rewarded with housing and along with that comes furnishing etc. A law should be devised to read unless you have an employment offer proof or an American citizen/ or legally documented individual to vouch/vett and make care arrangements, as was with our immigrate families, no entry
    I worked hard all my life to struggle as retired to maintain and keep what I HAVE EARNED. The American citizen is last to receive assistance in this country. The programs waiting rooms are filled with immigrates looking for assistance/handouts.
    The American citizen has already become the new minority, we have loss control of government since 1960s, other voices mean nothing to the political parties.
    We must join the President in the struggle to restore justice and proper leadership.
    I thank the President for ridding some of the political rift raft that has failed this country’s loyalty standard. We must support him in his effort to DRAIN THE SWAMP

  3. I agree Blink
    Their mouths are full of deceit and lies.
    Litmus test: Lets those who show false humility for such individuals allow them to live in their communities and swim in either their community sponsored or private pools.
    Those so interested in giving them housing, should allow the tenters to set up on their properties as well as care for their medical and grocery needs, entertainment and use of facilities such as pools.These immigrates will trash your properties as never seen before, watch the news and see the wake of trash and destruction they leave behind.
    The Governor of New York was just boasting that they have 432 million dollars in surplus, gained by means of failure to provide city services, no doubt.
    The city needs to locate an investor to rehabilitate a vacant hotel, that should be given or taken under imminent domain laws for the sole purpose of local government housing use
    I can only say SORRY the Trump family won’t be available for such an enterprise due to an antiquated law on the books, preventing them.

  4. I’m sure some judge will block him but at least he’s making the illegals as uncomfortable as possible.
    We’re having our country destroyed before our eyes and every attempt to get control back hits another roadblock. Soon it’ll be too late if it isn’t already.

  5. “HUD’s proposal is yet another example of the Trump administration’s relentless attacks on immigrants,”

    The word illegal, undocumented, or anything else discriminating them from legitimate immigrants seems to be disappearing from use.

    Control the language, control the thinking, the discussion, and the people.


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