The president suggests Adam Schiff resign – IOTW Report

The president suggests Adam Schiff resign

Rep. Adam Schiff fraudulently read to Congress, with millions of people watching, a version of my conversation with the President of Ukraine that doesn’t exist. He was supposedly reading the exact transcribed version of the call, but he completely changed the words to make it…

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrumpReplying to @realDonaldTrump

…sound horrible, and me sound guilty. HE WAS DESPERATE AND HE GOT CAUGHT. Adam Schiff therefore lied to Congress and attempted to defraud the American Public. He has been doing this for two years. I am calling for him to immediately resign from Congress based on this fraud!

20 Comments on The president suggests Adam Schiff resign

  1. “There, he said it!” (h/t Mark Levin) Finally took the president to say it, the only one with any guts. Gotta love it.

    Schiff…most likely to get stuffed in a locker in Junior high because he annoyed everyone around him. The guy is a colossal nudge.

  2. Would have loved to have seen the acting direction of national intelligence ask Schiff, “Why am I held to a higher standard than you, the chairman of the intelligence committee? If I lie in my testimony, I am subject to prosecution, but you just outright lied in your opening statement and will suffer no consequences. Why should I answer any question from you?”

  3. Rep Andy Biggs of AZ “introduced a motion to condemn and censure House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff. Chairman Schiff’s blatantly false retelling of POTUS’s conversation with Ukrainian President Zelensky was inexcusable.”

    May not go anywhere, but could be a start if we all push for it. I know President Trump will.

    I emailed President Trump:

    “Please support Rep Andy Biggs’ (AZ) motion to condemn and censure House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff.

    What Schiff did by reading into the hearing minutes a false ‘transcript’ was disgusting. He knew that the MSM (Main Swamp Media) would use that clip to broadcast to all the voters the “proof” that you lied.

    What he did is so despicable and is not indicative of a serious government employee who is supposed to serve his constituents and country.

    Thank you for all you are doing for us and our country. I support you.”

  4. When was the last time a Dem resigned as a result of scandal? I remember Al Franken, a ‘victim’, as it were, of the #metoo that was supposed to get Trump and Kavanaugh out. Apart from Al I can’t think of anyone – and there have been plenty who should have resigned.

  5. The reason Schiff did that was to get it in the Congressional Record. With it in there, people can now quote it as the actual content of the phone call, especially since the media will do nothing to correct it.

  6. LCD – you can add Dem John Conyers in 2017. However, both Franken and Conyers were forced / pressured into resigning over sex scandals.
    Have any resigned over only corruption or political misconduct?

    Nixon (R) resigned. I think James Traficant (D) didn’t resign but was instead expelled. Are the only two that come to mind. Adam Schiff ought to be expelled, too. He doesn’t deserved the option to refuse to resign. But that requires moral democrat leadership that seeks to do the right thing, and it doesn’t exist.

  7. RadioMattM

    Where have you been? the LSM have been quoting Schiff as if he were “Gospel”. As I’ve said here many, many time the last decade – American press hates America and willingly lies to smear Americans! the LSM is doing it as I type! For liberals it has always been “THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS!”! Kurt has correctly, honestly said many times “they (LSM) hate us!”! their goal is to destroy America, not merely Don!

    VDH has said it once or twice as well; but not as ofter, nor forcefully as Kurt.


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