The “Prison Code” of Felons Going After Pedophiles – IOTW Report

The “Prison Code” of Felons Going After Pedophiles

Jared Fogle got his ass kicked by a prisoner who went after him for being a pedophile.

I have no problem at all with that. He deserves an ass kicking.

But here’s where the “code” falls apart: Nearly all the inmates deserve their asses kicked. Why single out pedophiles?

What about that skinny ass tweaking meth head that kicked a Bic pen into the ear of someone’s grandma and took her cookie tin filled with change?

Nope. No ass beating.

What about the guy who lit the family’s dog on fire before breaking into the house and raping the wife and slashing her face with a tuna can lid?

Nope. No ass beating. In fact, he’s in charge of 3-card poker night at cell block H. Good guy. He’s exchanging contact information so he can hang with the guy who held a guy’s face in a toilet bowl filled with urine until he drowned, just so he could take his stamp collection. They are now BFFs.

Singling out pedophiles for beatings is simply a way of making it seem like the rest of them aren’t bad people in comparison.


You suck at life, Mr. “I’m not a pedophile.”




13 Comments on The “Prison Code” of Felons Going After Pedophiles

  1. I disagree with you, BFH, but it has nothing to do with any sympathy for convicted thugs in prison. I has everything to do with what I have supposedly consented to have done in my name by the govt.

    The convicts were sentenced to terms of incarceration as laid out fairly explicitly and succinctly in the criminal codes of the US and states. They were NOT sentenced to random beatings by fellow convicts. Being beaten up can easily be fatal even if that wasn’t the intent. All it takes is a bad fall and a head injury. That isn’t part of the deal. If the prison admins and guards are unable to keep the inmates as safe from assault as the rest of us regular people outside the walls, then it is their responsibility to physically separate those convicts who have been tried and found guilty of in-prison assaults from the rest of the convict population.

    To emphasize what I said earlier: my sympathy meter for these people doesn’t budge off the zero peg.

  2. Al,
    I’m not at all disagreeing with you.

    What I’m trying to get at is this absurd code that it’s a foregone conclusion that the pedophile is going to be singled out for killing, and the public largely agrees that this is a good idea.

    What about the other demented freaks and sadists in prison?
    I agree that ALL prisoners should have the expectation of safety, but that’s not the case. And you know that many people applaud this unwritten rule.

    There are a lot more shankable people in prison then just the pedophiles.

    I maintain that this is a caste system created by the worst of society in order to make themselves feel superior to at least something in prison.

  3. I misunderstood your point, then, BFH. We agree that having a “code” that says it is OK to bash pedos preferentially is a bad thing. And it appears we also agree that it is a bad thing for a convict to bash another for any reason except self-defense of course. Sorry about that.

  4. The idea of a universal ‘code of conduct’ in prison his a Hollywood fantasy.
    If there is anything that approaches such a ‘code’ it is that you don’t do anything for nothing.
    The guy who did this is getting something more than just extra time added to his stay in prison.

  5. if you have ever watched ‘Lockdown’ or any of the other prison reality shows..’s obvious the gangs run the asylum. they need put down like a rabid dog. you got an MS13 tat? bang.

    it is not unheard of to have 1 or 2 guards…unarmed…among 100 crims. all they can do….is nothing

  6. Or we could do like the Chinese used to (and maybe still do): nail em into a wooden box with only their head sticking out and stack em!

    (… till they starve to death …)

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