The Problem With This Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Parody Is It’s Not Funny – IOTW Report

The Problem With This Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Parody Is It’s Not Funny

This isn’t funny, but not because Allie Beth Stuckey isn’t funny or talented. She is. It’s that it’s not parody when it is pretty much exactly the same as any other interview with this Democrat/Socialist idiot.

All the editing and misdirection is not necessary. Just run the real interview.


8 Comments on The Problem With This Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Parody Is It’s Not Funny

  1. It has become impossible to parody the left because parody only works when the actions or statements of the subject are exaggerated. How can you parody a woman who ludicrously claims that unemployment is low because so many people work two jobs? How can you parody people who claim that a prosperous economy is bad? How can you parody people who see Russians under every rock and cranny? How can you parody people who want Donald Trump impeached for no reason?

    I couldn’t do any such parody. I suppose I could do something where the left calls for the deaths of millions, but that is basically socialism anyway. I could call additional income to ordinary Americans “crumbs,” but Pelosi has already staked out that ground. I could poke fun at people who won’t accept election results, but that is basically our nightly news cycle. I couldn’t even parody Hillary Clinton as a crook, because even her supporters know this is true.

    When you reach a point where you cannot parody the left, America has reached a danger point.

  2. Back in 2008, Rush Limbaugh did a parody interview of Michelle Obama for the Limbaugh Letter. It was brilliant. Every response from Michelle was an actual quote of hers.

    Those kinds of things are hard to pull off.

    And though I admire the attempt, this one with Bolshevik Barbie is a swing and a miss.

    Wyatt’s right. It’s become exceedingly difficult to parody someone who is, for the most part, a self-parody.

  3. Some one has put some research into her campaign. I imagine it was Soros not Bernie. Have you seen her “Third World” campaign posters. She will pick up most of the Bernie supporters and basement dwellers in her district. Nobody that is voting for her is listening to what she says. They stopped right after they heard “Free Shit”

  4. I thought the parody was hysterical. in order to think it was funny you have to be an intelligent human being of which she is not she needs to get a refund from her college and if she was at the top of her class then I can’t imagine how stupid her peers are.

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