“A few days before the recent Trump/Zelenskyy meeting, Jeffrey Sachs narrated shocking information on the Tucker Carlson show.”
Wow. I knew we had a disgusting Deep State, but I see now that they care NOTHING about the humans on this planet. They only care about their power.
This video is almost 11 minutes long, but well worth the listen. We need to wipe out the Deep State completely!
Watch HERE.
I had watched this earlier but had to watch some of it to get my remembry back. So my question is, who is giving the deep state their marching orders? The deep state, CIA, FBI, NSA, clearly do not have Americas best interests at heart. If you think we’ve defeated them by “our guys” taking control you’re sadly mistaken. They’re like a bad case of athlete foot/feet. Whatever. Just about the time you think you killed it, it’s back. We need to find the source. And kill it.
Government propaganda enabled the U.S. deep state influence to grow East as it did.
Russia Bad, U.S. Good. Not necessarily true.
Russia Citizens good, U.S. Citizens good.
Both Governments have been good when they were allies during WWII, Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev and bad from Lenin, Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev to Bill Clinton, Bush and Joe Biden.
Time to honor the agreements as committed to by both governments. The citizens of both Nations desire a long and lasting peace acknowledging we share more than our Christian Heritage.
Good video, but TBH, most of us here knew all this;
We knew that war hawks had infected both parties.
We knew that the Military Industrial Complex is pervasive and relentless in waging war anywhere, even when American soldiers are involved.
We knew that the Bush/Chenny/Rumsfeld cabal viewed the Iraq War as some holy war that God (and the people) somehow endorsed.
We knew that the Biden Administration was blinded by their own “Russian Collusion” lies, carrying more about world consensus than American interests.
And we knew that if Trump had won (?) in 2020, there never would have been a war in Ukraine.
Yes, it is great that the adults are back in charge, but at a cost of over a million lives and ruination of our finances (and reputation). It would (I guess) be worth it if lessons were learned…………..doubtful.
It’s likely true that most of us here already knew this. However, I’m curious what Trump did or didn’t do in this debacle. I know he sent Javelin missiles to Ukraine, but for what reason and what is the explanation for doing so. Don’t get me wrong, I have been and will continue to be on the Trump Train, but why was this done.
“I’m curious what Trump did or didn’t do in this debacle.”
A good question. My thoughts are Trump 45 was a tourist. “Oh hey look, there’s my good friend Mitch McConnell”.
Trump 47’s eyes are wide open. And he’s pissed.
Trump was planning on being in office in 2021. The Javelins would be part of
the deal. Give some support to Ukraine
and continue negotiate with Putin.