The Proper Response to Antifa Thugs – IOTW Report

The Proper Response to Antifa Thugs

This will make your day. Watch what happens when an antifa idiot throws crap on a well-known Australian conservative commentator, Andrew Bolt.


18 Comments on The Proper Response to Antifa Thugs

  1. Don’t hit the head. Heads are hard; you may break your hand. Aim for ribs and kidneys. Especially kidneys. You may have to grapple for a sec to get the target into the right position. Broken ribs and bruised intercostals (sp?) hurt. Too, there’s nothing like passing blood for a couple of days to change an assailants attitude.

  2. Re: Sleipnir “Don’t hit the head

    Really, don’t hit them their head with your bare hand. Find a brick or something to hit them in the head with, first.

    I wonder how many solid whacks with a brick it would take to get to the center of an AntiFA skull? Probably three.

  3. Remember Miss Congeniality’s advice to SING – Solar, Instep, Nose and Groin – worked well for me when I was twice attacked in Barcelona in 1977 by Spanish men wanting to rape me.

  4. “The right to free speech has to be better protected…”

    Protect it yourself. Like you just did. Knock the phuck out of those who attempt to silence you.

    When your government fails, step up.

    I just wished you’d used a sword.

  5. I prefer grabbing them and pulling them in close and bending shit in directions they were not designed to bend over hitting them with your clenched fists. After you hear something snap their always out of the fight.

  6. Re: BigGun and flip

    AntiFA aren’t fascists, stop calling them fascists – they are literally communists. Call them what they are: Communists.

    Read The Doctrine of Fascism by Mussolini,
    and The Communist Manifesto by Marx, if you are interested in understanding them – and how/why they are inherently different.

  7. What friggin morons. I thought Aussies were supposed to be tough and smart in a fight but it would seem that only of the three was. One idiot raised hands to fight while wearing a fucking backpack. Hell, I’m old and never got into too many fights but I figure I could have taken that moron. I also notice that these AntiFa (thank you Europe) cowards always, always attack from ambush then run. I wonder how they would last if cops and citizens really started to beat them into the hospital everytime they strike? Not long I imagine.

  8. Brachial stun and then you can start dislocating things with little problem. The strike is easy to do, won’t break anything and absolutely puts them down without any ability to resist you. Simply hammer your fist into the side of their neck as if swinging a hammer and they drop like a rock. they wont be able to get up, run, fight back or otherwise do much but drool and convulse for a minute or two. Then you can take your time and give a proper beating without fucking up your knuckles or getting hit back. I also like to kick them in the armpits when they are down. It’s satisfying to hear the air evacuate their lungs on impact. That sucking sound you hear after is magical.

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