The protesting left are either crooks or morons – good rant – IOTW Report

The protesting left are either crooks or morons – good rant

This guy tells it like it is and exposes the left for being crooks or morons… or both. But shame on us for allowing morons to be crooks.

19 Comments on The protesting left are either crooks or morons – good rant

  1. That was absolutely beautiful! Nailed point after point after point. And the “Fuck ’em” at the end was the icing on the cake. As elegant and tasteful as I’ve ever heard the word used.

  2. Can I have a part 2 PLEASE? That was brilliant and best said in two words at the end…’fuck ’em’…it’s universal.

    That was SO good, I filmed it with my camera for the ages and for when it gets removed…

  3. That was great! So cool how he put on blast these leftist hypocrites. The Left doesn’t care about injustices. They only want power and control. The left commit genocide as an opportunistic way to destablize nations – see Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, etc. That’s what the left is attempting in America.

    The left progressive communist leaders are orchestrating violent “peaceful protests” know exactly what they are doing – manipulating moronic useful idiots to commit crimes in the name of “justice”.

  4. Brilliant! I’m almost tempted to join fecebook just to follow that guy.
    PS His real name is “Michael McHugh” like I’m the Queen of Mexico

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