The Proud – IOTW Report

The Proud

I made this meme years and years ago, and it’s been stolen and passed around, and $hitstains have even put their credits on it. Oh well.

chabanais on Reddit posted this. This is the real life version of the meme-

Are we fed up enough yet?

25 Comments on The Proud

  1. Chronic Negro Fatigue Syndrome (CNFS) is a terrible thing. With all the other pampered special interest groups attaching themselves to the privileged class CNFS cases are on the rise. This disease can be stamped out but more research is needed.

  2. These libtards keep pushing pushing pushing.
    They are going to find out what REAL racist
    will actual “do” to them…

  3. You cannot reason with them.
    You cannot bribe them.
    You cannot compromise with them.
    Faggotry and perversion are only transitory points of contention with them.
    Racial animosity is only a transitory point of contention with them.
    They will use any, and every, weapon in their meager arsenal against you.

    Similar to being attacked by bees or wasps – every time you turn you’re attacked from another direction.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Our society is shaping itself like prisoners do at our nations penitentiaries. Forming racial and social groups for protection and for intimidation of others.
    The government provides the guards.
    The malcontents and subversives have had a field day under Obama and it hasn’t been by accident. This is just what the left hoped to accomplish.

  5. Welcome to the melting pot,
    A country with out borders,
    Where illegals have rights,
    Enforcing the law is wrong,
    Encouraging mental illness,
    Common sense does not apply,

    Heritage must be faulted,
    History discarded,
    Re-education is paramount.

  6. Real pride (as opposed to arrogance) occurs by accomplishing a worthwhile goal through effort. Those that do not accomplish rely on false pride (arrogance) via something they did not accomplish (race).

  7. Not a white supremacist by any means, but (for me alone) that whole separatism thing is starting to look good.
    I wish to separate myself from everybody who has an agenda besides enjoying the Winning

  8. Methinks they over compensate for their true feelings which are shame and inferiority. Other than a few truly accomplished blacks, the preponderance of the evidence show self inflicted dysfunction. Look at the murder, incarceration, addiction and poverty rates.
    It’s the life they’ve chosen as many have shown that it can be escaped in favor of achievement.

    As for white pride? I don’t lump every white into the success column, but our percentages are better.

  9. I am from the Atlanta area. Grew up in ‘burbs 60’s/70’s. My introduction to race relations was via the world renown Atlanta Boy Choir. As boys, the only difference we knew between the little black boys and the little white boys was what part you sang….Soprano 1, Soprano 2, Alto 1, Alto 2.

    To a point, I think MLK Jr’s dream actually has come true. We now judge people more on their character than their race. Sadly, too few just don’t have any character, morals, ethics, or integrity.

    My wife is a 7th grade teacher in a school in the projects. She has made this statement many times: The thugs in my class come in all shapes, sizes, colors, genders, rich, poor…or any combination you can think of.

  10. Are we fed up enough yet?

    Nope, I’m just a white woman, straight, and proud of it! Did ya hear that Anthony Bourdain killed himself? He said this:

    Bourdain: “Our only hope is to f*** our way out of this. It’s gonna take some time, but it’s really the only way — this sort of Singapore model, where everybody’s so [racially] mixed up that you really don’t know who to hate because everybody’s so hopelessly intertwined. But we’re a long way from that.”

    Did he kill himself because of his whiteness? He was too old to reproduce an oreo.

  11. I have come to realize I am myriaphobic. Lots and lots of ’em!

    Transphobic, because I transfer it to every irritating snowflake “cause” that I can find.

    Xenophobic, because I always wanted to be a racist but could never get a sponsor to have a competitive racecar. Too much nepotism and too many furriners!!!

    I am hyphenated, an Anglo-Saxon-American. Not really…

    I am Idiophobic, because I can’t stand the idiots who make up the left, (left behind when sense was handed out), half the country and most of the LSM

    There are a bunch more but I’ll stop with Optiphobic. I am afraid that even my most optimistic hopes for the future of ‘Merica, are not gonna get us there…

    Not anonymous forgot to put my name in there
    B C Aeich

  12. Thank Ga that Obumbiller came along. Early into his eight year reign he helped me and many like me realize that because I’m white, I’m racist. I’ve come to embrace that knowledge as there were so many victims out there that he also identified so there’s just not enough self-hatred to be worn on my sleeves.

    Praise Obumbiller!

  13. @Goldenfoxx June 8, 2018 at 9:47 am

    If the solution is sex and more sex and lots of sex and bizarre sex and sex with anyone or any animal or any thing, you know it’s from a twisted sick liberal who is a prime candidate for suicide.


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