The Push/Pull of Balkinization versus Multiculturalism – IOTW Report

The Push/Pull of Balkinization versus Multiculturalism

WaitForIt asks-

Why do politicians demand balkanization when people/countries are not getting along and then demand multiculturalism when peoples/countries are at peace?


4 Comments on The Push/Pull of Balkinization versus Multiculturalism

  1. Because they’re fuckin’ us over, that’s why. As long as they can create problems where none exist they can justify their parasitical jobs. I am just waiting for some people in the public eye to call for mass civil disobedience and a boycott against the federal government.

  2. I have never heard of Balkinization is it anything like….

    Vulcanization or vulcanisation is a chemical process for converting natural rubber or related polymers into more durable materials via the addition of sulfur or other equivalent curatives or accelerators. These additives modify the polymer by forming cross-links (bridges) between individual polymer chains.

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