The Quafecta – IOTW Report

The Quafecta


Via Magnum in the comments

21 Comments on The Quafecta

  1. I wonder if Fox News will be all giddy again after they find his poll numbers still rising. These number probably don’t mean squat but I checked some FB pages today. Trumps has just short of 3 million followers. The next closest is Rand Paul with 2 Million. Cruz 900K. Jebby 235K. I expected Paul to be way out in front because of all the little Libertarian college kids. Anyway I found it interesting.

  2. The Instagram Military people are ALL about Rand. I do my best to point them a different direction. It’s not working out so well. By the way since I checked those FB numbers Trump added about a 150k. Dudes got some momentum. Be interesting to see if it correlates with polling numbers.

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