The Quiet Walk Back on Study Promoting “Gender-Affirming Care” – IOTW Report

The Quiet Walk Back on Study Promoting “Gender-Affirming Care”

The Federalist

UW Medicine quietly revised publications to indicate that performing mutilative surgeries on trans children doesn’t fix depression.

Amid contentious debates over gender identity, the University of Washington Medicine, or UW Medicine, proudly and eagerly alerted the press of a study in mid-March indicating that transgender teen patients saw rates of depression “plummet” because of so-called “gender-affirming care.” More

12 Comments on The Quiet Walk Back on Study Promoting “Gender-Affirming Care”

  1. The medical profession is as corrupt and evil as the political profession.
    “Gender” is a grammatical term – it refers to masculine, feminine, and neuter nouns and their associative articles.
    Not sex. Never sex.
    In fact, sex is a completely different concept – a biological concept – and the medical “profession” should be aware of that simple fact.
    That members of the medical “profession” persist in maintaining this perverse political narrative proves that they’re unfit to practice medicine.
    If a medical “professional” cannot distinguish the difference between grammar and biology it should not be allowed to do “medicine” – in fact, it should probably be interned in a nervous hospital – it is obviously a danger to itself and to others.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Hard to trust your kids to these monsters.

    I imagine every parent today has to ask the professionals their beliefs on gender fluidity before entrusting them to their clutches.

  3. The word care should never be used for so called gender-affirming, nor for abortion as well. Care means to take care of a problem in a caring, affirmative manner, not to turn it into a deadly non-life affirming problem. Progtards do everything ass backwards all the time and call it progressive.

  4. @Uncle Al, that article should have a subtitle of “Or What Could Possibly Go Wrong?” It seems as if the doctors performing these surgeries are using these mentally ill people as test subjects. That’s just nasty and I really doubt the doctors explain in full detail what the actual results will be to these mentally ill people.


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