The Real Insurrection- They Don’t Necessarily Have to Be Violent – IOTW Report

The Real Insurrection- They Don’t Necessarily Have to Be Violent

None of this is anything we didn’t already know. We all said the debate came early for a reason. They counted on Biden being Biden and then had their comrades in the media keep hammering that Joe is “suddenly” impaired.

He’s been impaired his entire political life. The guy is truly an idiot. He is Ted Baxter. He was the accidental president, one that could be installed by the dem cheating machine and then worked like a puppet.

The only problem with Joe now is that idiocy aside, he is a pants-shitting idiot. And that won’t work.


The cunning ploy devious Democrats used to sabotage Biden’s campaign and their bombshell threat if he didn’t drop out of race

  • Plan by party brokers to get rid of president has been in the works for weeks
  • An insider compared the entire operation to a ‘palace coup’

That plan came to fruition on Sunday, when the 81-year-old president dramatically announced the end of his campaign before endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris

However, a source close to Biden’s family is saying that the party put together a ‘palace coup’ over the course of recent weeks, with the president fighting it until he was threatened with being forced out.

The insider says that the disastrous debate against Donald Trump on June 27 – the earliest presidential debate in history – was part of the strategy, despite being publicly requested by Biden on social media.

‘That debate was a set-up to convince Democrats that he couldn’t run for president,’ the source told the New York Post

Biden was often seen on split screen with his mouth agape and a blank stare during the showdown against Trump last month, immediately sending Democrats into a freak out.

Though publicly, most of the faces of the left stayed behind Biden, in the shadows, party powerbrokers were threatening to invoke the 25th amendment. 

Section 4 of the amendment allows for removal of a president who is deemed incapacitated by any kind of illness, injury, or mental impairment. 

One of the few trusted by Biden who believed he was being pushed out: troubled son Hunter, who became a gatekeeper for his father after the debate.

‘Hunter felt he was being set up and he was very concerned about his father. These people, these officials were not on Joe’s side,’ the source claimed.

They also said that it might not be a straight shot to the nomination for Harris, despite Biden’s endorsement. 

The source claimed that Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona may be a popular pick of delegates, though the former astronaut has already endorsed Harris. 


14 Comments on The Real Insurrection- They Don’t Necessarily Have to Be Violent

  1. “Obama ia another useful idiot to do soros’ and china’s bidding. He’s bidem, without the strokes.”

    Nah, he’s the Weather Underground part two. That’s who raised him. Do your research.

    “You mean Mark “Straw Man Purchase” Kelly?”
    Exactly. This law maker wanted to changes laws he had no understanding of. Why wasn’t he prosecuted? He should have been. Plus thanks to Laura Loomer we’ve just discovered the assholes a pixie, a midget. I don’t trust slight short men. They’ll fuck you every time.

  2. Nice little narrative by the Daily Mail. Joe did this, and Joe said that. Man of action. But the article reads like an obituary, for some reason. Maybe they should go ask Joe how he’s doing, and if he’s ready to roll up his sleeves and get back to work after whipping covid.

  3. It’s being reported Nancy, older than dirt, Pelosi told Biden, you’re pulling out of the race. We can do this the hard way or the easy way. Her and her retarded nephew immediately endorsed the laughing Hyena. Knowing full well she has no chance. All kinds of power factions playing games as Trump laughs it up. Pelosi’s all about getting her brain dead nephew who leans hard communist in power. If Newsom ever got in the White House he’d make Brain Dead Biden look like a conservative.
    And then there’s Hillary. LOL

  4. I figure they told the Biden clan they almost succeeded in killing Trump if he just had not turned his head at that time, but they wouldn’t fail against the Biden clan.

    Anyone with half a brain knew what they were doing. Just as I figure Kamala will be next. Who does Obama want since Eric Holder is in charge of picking her VP, because that person ultimately will be the one imo that will end up on their ticket.

    Not that we’re a democracy, but if we were a democracy, democrats with all their crying about destroying the democracy, they just did it and said screw you voters.

  5. Hey dumbass anonymous 12:25,

    Did the fireman killed and the two seriously wounded at the rally, fake it?
    Or do you figure they were paid to play dead?

    You need to be conscripted to die in Kiev. Are you 18 yet?


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