The Real President Directs Patriots To Stop Supporting “RINO’s” – IOTW Report

The Real President Directs Patriots To Stop Supporting “RINO’s”


This can be an effective strategy against the right-wing of the UniParty in DC. This can be the strategy to finally take down the professional political club within the RNC.

After the RNC refused to stop using President Trump’s name and image on their donor solicitations President Trump is now saying stop giving them money. More

18 Comments on The Real President Directs Patriots To Stop Supporting “RINO’s”

  1. You just don’t pull on Superman’s cape and you don’t screw around with the man who got more legitimate votes for President of the United States than any other candidate ever.

  2. How many people will actually hear this? The RNC will get lots of donations from their mailers because media has shut Trump down. Tell your friends and family.

  3. When they put the first left wing radical Bush in 1600 I started sending back with comments they needed to hear; but did not like. After 3 years I was off the list; till Don.

    I did vote ONCE for Bush! Slow Lerner; but do learn!

  4. It’s like your large family pooling a huge amount of money to buy a gift for grandparents’ 65th wedding anniversary. And then the guy in charge buys grandma and grandpa a set of matching mugs and slaps all your names on it. “Where’d the rest of the money go!?”, you ask your soon-to-be-beaten cousin.

    Yeah, just like that.

    That’s why if you want to give a candidate
    some money, you cut that check to him/her, or you volunteer for him/her.
    No meddling middlemen.

  5. It’s over. The Rinos are now dinosaurs. Trump broke the chain holding back the expression of all the frustration felt by well over half the country. These professional politicians in Washington, the state houses, local precincts and the chamber of commerce who worshiped losers like Jeb and Mitt are, I think, slowly and painfully watching their world collapse. And that is good…damn good. All they ever really needed to do to get a taste of reality was go to a Trump rally.

  6. If you’re a registered Republican and you are not happy with them, change parties. You can do it on line very easily. I registered as an Independent, hopefully the political junk mail will stop. Meanwhile, everything I get from the RNC will go to them back in the prepaid envelope they sent and return it to them. I should ask for a refund from the RNC, they failed to deliver the package.


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