The Real Problem with Joe’s Dementia – IOTW Report

The Real Problem with Joe’s Dementia

American Thinker – Many Americans seem to have understandably concluded that Joe Biden has dementia based on his very public displays of confusion, aphasia, and incoherence. But the question we should actually be asking is What is going on with Joe out of public view?

Like many Americans who have cared for parents with dementia, I witnessed my father’s decline firsthand and, sadly, Joe Biden is presenting exactly as my father did in the early stages — right down to the vacant look in his eyes. While I am neither doctor nor expert, physicians and other medical professionals rely heavily on caregiver observations because they monitor the disease’s progression 24/7 over the long haul, and can add valuable input that is not always obvious at an appointment or measurable with a cognitive test. I am relying on my experience as my father’s caregiver, corroborated by medical professionals, health consultants, literature, research, and the shared experiences of others. Of course, not every dementia victim will experience every symptom, but the commonalities are significant.

As the disease grabs hold of one’s faculties, men like Biden and my father continue to view themselves as experienced executives — in control, commanding, and coherent; holding court as the family patriarch; the old dude who’s seen it all. They don’t doubt their ability to express complex ideas with the right words. And so, they conduct business as usual and, for the most part, things go fine until they stammer over a word, get frustrated, then confused, and either babble their way out or shut down. It isn’t long before lost words, forgotten names, and elusive ideas are replaced by whatchamacallit, whosimajig, whatshername, and the thing.

Read it here.

26 Comments on The Real Problem with Joe’s Dementia

  1. Well over 300 million Americans and this is the person Democrats chose to ‘rule’ the country??
    GMAFB, this proves beyond doubt, they are traitors to their country.

  2. Joe was selected specifically so that he can be replaced after the election. He’s being utilized for name recognition to exploit the stupid democrat voters.

  3. the demonrats are absolutely committing elder abuse with the person they’ve chosen to lead the USA
    imagine how they’ll treat those opposed to them if they can steal this election

  4. I can relate to having parents suffering from dementia. My father started showing some signs a few years ago, even to the point that others started noticing things. My mother started forcing him to exercise more and eat better, and he temporarily started doing better. In the last month, he has started eating less, and I fear that I will soon lose him. I completely understand that this is a fact of life. Bringing it back to Joe, I can sympathize with family and friends. The problem I have is that the Dems have chosen someone with those symptoms as a presidential candidates.

    Do not put us through this. While I can have sympathy for Joe’s family, I have no desire from someone with these problems running the country. Worse, I do not want Kacamala ruling over the country

  5. I will have to be honest here. I do appreciate the thoughts and prayers, but this thread isn’t about me, and I shouldn’t have made it about me.
    The problem is that Joe is showing signs of dementia and we should not have someone with impaired capabilities running the country.

  6. Nominating Dementia Joe Obiden Bama shows how stupid and gullible the Dementiacrat Party thinks the American voters are going into this election, and they are right about most of them. The rest of them hate President Trump so much that it doesn’t matter to them who is running the country.

  7. Joe Biden has always been stupid. Now they could have a medical diagnosis and the democrats STILL don’t care. The kinder diagnosis is ‘senility” and Joe has been a senile dog pony soldier for 50 years…..

  8. I think they’re sacrificing Joe because they know he’s damaged goods and so is Kamala, but they’re using MIV to create chaos and doubt about Trump’s victory. They also hope to use the MIV to take the Senate and hold the House so they can impeach Trump successfully when he claims victory. President Pence may be hounded into resignation,and if he doesn’t resign, he will be neutered and frustrated at every turn and decline to run in four years.

    If the GOP holds the Senate, their Senate victories will be smeared as badly as Trump’s win. If the Dems take the Senate, the media will do its best to legitimize their Senate victories. Same with House races. MIV chaos always works in favor of Democrats.

    These people are brazen and evil, and they play the long game for the acquisition of power by any means.

  9. One has to wonder who and why an American would vote for a defective candidate that will only be run by his puppet masters from behind the dark curtains of the left.

  10. I’m still having a bitch of a time believing that the dems will actually nominate Biden. But it looks that way. They must know he’s going to suffer one of the worst loses in decades so where does that leave us?

    If the dems keep the House and take the Senate than Trump will be constantly investigated and probably impeached again. Can we take 4 more fucking years of this? Is that their ultimate goal, to get us so fed up we tune out?

    They will not allow him to use legislation to implement our agenda. Any use of EOs will get the media condemning him as well.

    What a terrible waste of a great executive and what a disgusting way to run a country. It’s out fault for allowing this cunt Pelosi and the various identity groups in the House to spout their bullshit for decades.

    I guess this is what we’ve devolved into. Chicken shit politicians that will destroy their communities and paint their opponents as Nazis rather than allow someone from the other side to do good. Unreal.

  11. @MMinAr – I completely agree. With the House in Democrat’s hands, there will never be an end to the investigations.

    To those of you on this blog, get out and help us win in 2020. It will not be easy, and the mail-in voting will make it that much harder. On the bright side, we are energized (I hope) and will be out there publicly in this election.

  12. 1) I don’t care about his dementia, it is his level of corruption & perversion that I Hate about him.

    2) The unfortunate thing about his dementia is that it will allow him to forget all of the failures & evil things that he has done. He will spend his latter days happily picking his nose & felling no remorse or sense of failure for being a piece of shit and raising a family of pieces of shit

    He will even forget the ass kicking Trump will hand him in November.

    He will not live for years in fear of his final judgement because he will be in LA LA land.

  13. For a while now, I have thought that the manipulators in the Democratic party know in their hearts that the dems have no chance to win an election against President Trump. They are not blind. They are not stupid. I believe that they have put this ticket together, knowing whomever they would put up for nomination would lose, and they don’t really care about either of these candidates. They chose Hillary because of her name; they chose Biden because of his name and “he/they” chose Kamala because of her name.

    There may be some working behind the scenes to actually get a candidate who is a bit more electable for 2024 and not burn them and label them as a loser in this campaign.

  14. Oh my goodness! Speech pathology is my second career. Teaching was my first.
    Biden is textbook aphasia with possible dementia setting in.
    This does *not* make him less intelligent, but more easily confused, frustrated, and angry. Diplomatically, best case – humored. Worst case – tolerated and dismissed.
    He’ll be “handled” to a degrading degree. I’m not blaming his wife, but damn…if he were my husband, I’d be fighting tooth-and-nail to pull him out of this…
    Trump is no better, honestly. However, he seems far less vulnerable. And three ring government – Schoolhouse Rock is the best!

  15. @Anonymous – I would love to get your insights on teaching in the modern world. My history has been in business computers and now I find myself in the teaching world. I have been successful in my new career, but I am flailing a little because of the philosophical change.
    I love a challenge.

  16. @RogerF
    Sending you all the respect and so many positive thoughts! You are a champion!
    I am in speech pathology now; however, my concern over the last few years has been the focus on standardized testing. Many children thrive in that environment(my daughter). Many children need hands-on instruction (my son). I am really quite thankful for the brakes being applied as far as that goes.
    What I would love to see is a focus on critical thinking skills. For example, “Here are the numbers/evidence/documentation. What do you think?”
    So tricky…
    Looking forward, I think the in-person four year degree might be less important. SATs might be obsolete. Real world experience will be more important. Proof that you have pursued learning will be valuable.
    Teaching and learning critical thinking skills was always hard. I taught Rhetoric and Composition – which meant tearing apart every ad campaign ever. Can’t imagine how willing profs. would question media now…


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