The real reason the left is impeaching Trump – IOTW Report

The real reason the left is impeaching Trump

Wayne Dupree-

RBG’s seat has been held by a radical for decades. The reason she did not retire when Obama was in office is that the Republicans held the Senate. So the only nominee Obama could get through would be a “moderate” judge. And they did not want to lose such a hard-line liberal seat to a moderate Dem.

So they rolled the dice thinking Hillary would win and RBG could retire and Hillary would fill the seat with another whacko.

And now the Dems are in absolute panic mode. That SCOTUS seat is like political platinum to Democrats. To lose that will mean that their progressive globalist agenda will be sidelined for decades.

This is why they’re impeaching President Trump to try and wound him going into 2020 so they have a snowball’s chance of winning (they still won’t win) and if that doesn’t work, they’re hoping the “stain” of impeachment will allow them to argue that he’s no longer allowed to nominate SCOTUS justices.


16 Comments on The real reason the left is impeaching Trump

  1. “…they’re hoping the “stain” of impeachment will allow them to argue that he’s no longer allowed to nominate SCOTUS justices.”

    …gonna be interesting to see how they make that argument with a rough hemp rope connecting their necks to the street lights.

    …and the only “stain” then will be when they shit and piss themselves, after they are dead if not before…

  2. Nice theory, but those whiny losers have been threatening to impeach even before Trump was sworn in. And if they really think that Trump will somehow be cowed into NOT filling that SCOTUS seat if RBG checks out, they haven’t been paying attention. Both Trump and McConnell are chomping at the bit to replace that decrepit dinosaur with Amy Coney Barrett.

  3. They haven’t sent the case to the Senate yet.

    Until they do it’s like a Grand Jury indicting someone and a prosecutor ignoring it, he really hasn’t been charged with anything yet.

    I’m watching to see how this gets handled, how they do it or don’t do that will be very obviously telling about why they did it.

  4. The real reason the left is impeaching Trump is because the democRAT party is the single, biggest collection of organized criminals in the history of this nation and they’re scrambling like Hell to obfuscate the facts with smoke-screen after smoke-screen to hide their skullduggery in order to put off their impending prosecutions until they can get back in the White House to make everything go away! They are acting like cornered rats… because they are!!

  5. This is what happens when you tape a banana to a wall and call it art.
    Donald Trump could give a rat’s ass about those sniveling shits impeaching him.
    Remember, he told the Pope where to get off.
    They want to impeach him for doing the exact same thing as Biden did, when Biden’s was VP and with the blessings of the Boy President.
    Being impeached by the current crop of retards in congress is like having your fashion sense verbally impugned by a Hobo.

  6. Their aim is nothing less than a nihilist/socialist tyranny.

    Deposition of President Trump is just the first step.
    Disarmament of the population in the next.
    They’ve already laid the groundwork with 100 years of mal-education, the total co-option of Academia and the Media, by the regulatory destruction of the economy and the imposition of exorbitant (and unequally applied) taxes, and by committing millions of citizens to the role of parasite (ie – dependent on those who pay taxes for sustenance, housing, health care, and “education”).
    The final part is the globalization of their socialist/nihilist agenda – open borders, “free” shit for all the invaders, infiltration of murderous moslem fanatics, suppression of the vote (by encompassing all the ignorant invaders within the socialist corral – expanding the franchise to the point that the individual vote no longer matters), and then the elimination of dissent.

    Ginsburg’s a pustule on the SCOTUS.
    But the Demonrats certainly appear to be puerile – so, it’s possible, I guess.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. They can’t stop Trump from making nominations, but they’ve made damned sure that any potential nominee will probably decline the offer, rather than get the Kavanaugh treatment.

    They paid no political price for that evil shit show. Indeed, they were rewarded with control of the House just a few weeks later. A lot of gullible women in Trump districts apparently believed the rape smear on Kavanaugh. Maybe the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett will neutralize their poison.

  8. They rolled the dice all right, without understanding how badly the odds were against them.
    They will pay a heavy price next fall, perhaps the end of their party. The elites, who populate their leadership and our government, are about to be dealt a sever blow. With the right combination to follow up, perhaps a knock out for the foreseeable future.

    They can’t be allowed to get back up off the canvas once they’ve been knocked down.


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