The Real Russian Colluders – IOTW Report

The Real Russian Colluders

What’s interesting is all this seems to prove Donald Trump was right to hammer Hillary on the campaign trail about her dealings with Russia, yet leftist media tried to refute his claims, saying he lied or distorted the truth.

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14 Comments on The Real Russian Colluders

  1. If our DOJ does not publicly take action on this information the entire department should be disbanded. Is there a charge of negligence in the pursuit of justice? Can that be called obstruction of justice? I’ll tell you what, I’m disgusted with the lack of action coming from Sessions and our DOJ! And where in the hell is Trump on his DOJ and the failure to pursue corruption at the highest level of our government. This is his greatest failure.

  2. Joe

    This games early in the first. Trump lives for this shit. I’ll send you some popcorn. Look back. with all the libtards going freaken nuts, trying to hang him, how many times has he been wrong? I count zero. The audacious tweets. All correct. “I just found out Obama tapped my phone”. If Chrissy Wallace was a man he would apologize to Trump. But alas he’s not.

  3. Democrat Playbook – Whatever they are doing, they have the Media Accuse the Republicans of doing . The Media cycle then won’t allow the story to go the full 360 Degrees to it’s truth , it’s old and non – relevant news by then !!!

  4. Brad, Trump needs to put the pressure on Sessions. His DOJ is asleep at the wheel with regards to Obama administration corruption, it’s past time to act. I’ll send you my address for the popcorn.

  5. joe6pak, I notice that PDT has called her “Crooked Hillary” several times in the past month. Haven’t heard that since the campaign. I’m thinking you may get some satisfaction soon on this front. The MSM talking heads are going to be looking away from Heavy Watergate so hard tomorrow, they’ll all be reading the news with neckbraces.

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