The (rear) VIEW – IOTW Report

The (rear) VIEW

Stupid women whine as Jedediah Bila attempts to explain WHY President Trump enjoyed a 9-0 VICTORY at the SCOTUS today. – C. Steven Tucker

25 Comments on The (rear) VIEW

  1. Four wastes of XX chromosomes on display.

    Time to revoke their high school diplomas?
    I see no evidence any of these could have possibly completed 8th grade.

  2. It’s all so predictable what these shrill shrews are going to say on every issue that makes total common sense. JB explained it precisely: the Commander in Chief has authority to place bans on immigration, period! 9-0 What don’t they get? Who is that Sunny person and the other blonde and who cares what they say?

    Lady Liberty walking away… give me a break!

  3. sofa king stupid. Black privilege, the only one allowed to speak without interruption. Everything else was drowned out by all the white privilege talking at once.

  4. I want tickets to be in the audience for their final show. I feel that it’s coming soon.
    Maybe they could book Rosie o’Donuts for the grande fubar’e!

  5. My wife compares “The View” to the submoron TV programming in “Idiocracy”.
    And if offered, The View would lose out to reruns of “OWW! My Balls!!!”

  6. Although I didn’t watch any of it, I think Jedediah should have asked something like ‘Why do you think both Kagan and Sotomayor voted for this? Do you think that these wise people understand the law better than you? Do you think it is possible that with all the research and learning they have done that they might have a better perspective than you and your knowledge of scary story headlines?’

  7. I can’t watch the video because at my age I just can’t take the chance of exposing myself to mental carcinogens.

    I’ve never cared for Behar, but it’s a shame about Goldberg. She used to be genuinely funny a long time ago. What the heck happened to her? She should know better than to take her mental acuity (or lack of it) so seriously.

  8. How are we going to vet muslims? Ask the bomb-maker across the street if Mohammad is of sound character?

    Their people are corrupt.
    Their government is corrupt.
    Their departments are corrupt.
    The paper is corrupt.
    The stamps are corrupt.
    The ink is corrupt.

    What vetting process is good enough to overcome all this? None. And we ALREADY KNOW what muslims think and want to do to us. Keeping them out is the best vetting process of all of them.

  9. OK, I took one for the team and watched it. I think i lost a few IQ points for doing so. At least Joyless and Poopie were polite enough to let Jedediah talk. That ignorant crunt between them was your typical progressive of color, shouting, interrupting, and talking over Jed. “Narrow victory” my ass!

  10. Shut the eff up Whoopi and your clueless lib audience. When you are so out of touch with reality and try to pass yourself off as “on top of the subject” you only prove that you are as dumb as you look. Why are you against keeping America safe from countries that cannot vet the people leaving it. Why the eff would you be against a temporary travel restriction from these he!!hole countries? Your “privileged” safe life here is causing some serious delusion.
    So glad I never waste my time on this stupid as sh!t show with their stupid as sh!t liberals assh0le hosts AND audience.
    Whew…needed to vent….thanks…

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