The Reason Pamela Geller Supported Trump Comes To Fruition – IOTW Report

The Reason Pamela Geller Supported Trump Comes To Fruition

Pamela Geller was conflicted about Trump. When he called her out for holding a Draw Muhammad contest, blaming her for inciting violence, she was cooled to the idea of his presidency. She was disappointed and feared that he didn’t “get it.”

But Trump won the primary, her candidate, Cruz, lost. The binary choice was clear. Hillary was absolutely not acceptable, and between the two Trump was more likely to stem the tide of the Islamization of America.

And something funny happened on the way to the white house. Trump got it.


WND previously reported President-elect Donald Trump is preparing to jumpstart a bill in Congress that would ban the Muslim Brotherhood by declaring it a terrorist organization.

Walid Phares, a foreign policy adviser to Trump, says he believes Trump will support the plan to make the designation.

Pamela Geller, president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative and author of “Stop the Islamization of America,” also celebrated the news.

“It’s long overdue and much needed,” she said. “We can only hope that it will stop Muslim Brotherhood infiltration into the U.S. government.”

Of course, Trump has proven willing to reverse positions on certain issues in the past. But Geller believes he will hold strong on purging radical Islamic influence from the government.

“So far he has stuck to his guns through a presidential campaign during which he was subjected to vicious and relentless attacks for those positions,” Geller said. “That gives me hope that he will follow through.”
Read more

HT/ annie

18 Comments on The Reason Pamela Geller Supported Trump Comes To Fruition

  1. I give zero fucks about whether the Jewish people support Trump or not. Stop and think. 85% of them vote Democrat. Pamela, straighten out your own house first. My concern is Jobs, economy, gun rights, religiougous freedom. If she thought Trump didn’t represent her interests she’s backing the wrong guy.

  2. I was being very dry with that comment. Fact is Trump has been criticizing radical islam for nearly two decades. He took heat for criticizing Bush and then Bush admitted not everything had been done to preempt the 9/11 terrorist attacks. On the stump he defended his criticism of Bush and then caused a major fire storm on the right and left. People called him a liar and a clown for talking about muslims celebrating 9/11 on their rooftops and in the streets.

    I appreciate that Pamela Geller and others have been on the front lines of anti-islamist activism, but I do hope she is not trying to suggest that it was she who made him aware of the problem. She helped, but so have a lot of people.

  3. Gah! I didn’t even articulate that quite right. What I mean to say is I think it’s time for all the “Major Activists” (whoever they are and wherever they are) to just be darn grateful Trump was elected and bring to a close their jockeying for position, if you will, on who was I do believe he is here because he saw all the same problems and, even better, solutions to them, as the rest of us did.

  4. I can’t imagine there is much Trump doesn’t know about the structure, movements, motivations and evils of radical islam having both Walid Pheres and Sebastian Gorka on his advisory team for the past 18+ months. And those are just the two most visible people we know about who have been advising him on the subject. There’s a full(er) list of his advisors at BallotPedia

  5. “I can’t imagine there is much Trump doesn’t know about the structure, movements, motivations and evils of radical islam ”

    Not a big mystery. Shoot them in the face. We can make this a new Olympic sport.

  6. I’ve got more respect for Pamela Geller than I do for just about anybody. She sacrifices her own life so that she can spread the news about the imminent threats of islam, and that makes her a number one target of isis and other islamic terrorist assholes.

    That said, I honestly believe that Trump has had an anointing for the position of president. In other words, I think he was God-ordained as president of the USA. It is God, after all, who puts leaders in their positions – according to the scriptures. And He sometimes even uses fools to make a point. Trump has been called that by many, but lately I’ve seen a change in his actions that convince me that the man is operating under the blessings of the Almighty. I like the changes I’ve seen, and I’m sure that the very wise and beautiful Pamela Geller can see those changes also.

    A lot of people are praying for Donald Trump and I hope they continue to do so. A lot of prayers were answered on Nov. 8. I thank the Good Lord every day and pray for this great man’s guidance and wisdom and divine protection.
    Amen. And goodnight.


  7. Unruly refugee NOVEMBER 18, 2016 AT 2:19 AM
    I’ve got more respect for Pamela Geller than I do for just about anybody. She sacrifices her own life so that she can spread the news about the imminent threats of islam, and that makes her a number one target of isis and other islamic terrorist assholes.
    Agree and Amen Brother! Bravest woman on the planet!

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