The Reviews Are In On Ivanka’s Harasser’s Book – IOTW Report

The Reviews Are In On Ivanka’s Harasser’s Book

The gay Marxist author, Matthew Lasner, writes a book downplaying private home ownership and champions densely populated living, even in the suburbs.

This guy can’t stomach traditional family life as millions of Americans have defined it, or imagine living in a place where there aren’t scores of opportunities for quick gay hook-ups because the percentages of that happening plummet when population density lowers. This might skew his outlook a bit, no?

51o4eh3herl-_sx352_bo1204203200_Here are some recent reviews-

-Absolute rubbish of a book. The guy actually says if you own a real house you are a “private property hoarder” and a “space nazi.”

-“How Americans regard housing as a manifestation of the freedoms bestowed on them and as a means of providing their cherished concept of home.”
Just didn’t feel the author was truthful in his writings. He wouldn’t know how to cherish or even respect what the concept of a family is,or the freedoms a family is entitled to~~~can’t even imagine what his “home” is like

-I found this “writer” to be overly smug and self-important. I think it’s mostly copied from Junior Highlights,..a kids mag he most likely swiped from his gynecologist’s office.

-Inaccurate, out of date, anti suburban diatribe geared for a socialist country. All Hail Marx or Mao should be the cover. I used it to stoke the fireplace after the first few pages while relaxing in my comfortable private home with a 2-car garage and a yard for the children to play safely in.

-This book was so bad it left me feeling like I was stuck on a delayed flight

-This “professor’s” Marxist “theory” is so dumb:. So basically people are moving back to the city (correct) but as the prices rise the housing will be condoed and subdivided because it will make housing more affordable. So basically the “suburban” model will become the new urban model. Sort of what happened when the Marxists “condoed” all of the houses in Russia and then had 5 families living per room per house in the Soviet Union. Guess this book was paid for by DiBlasio.

What a stupid fantasy. Don’t waste your money or time on this piece of garbage.

-I had to stop reading this book. The more chapters I read the more xenophobic and bigoted I became. I started judging people, belittling them in public….it got so bad that one time I even chased someone down at an airport just to harass them. I can’t believe I’m saying this right now, but I actually tweeted about my ‘airport experience’ so all my closed minded friends would give me a gold star the next time they saw me. Use extreme caution when approaching this book.

-Should be called Low Life.

-Rough take off and rougher landing…wanted to bail out halfway through this tortuous ride!

-Pathetic story of male sissies pretending to function like real parents to their child while harassing woman on an airplane. Two mean spirited crybabies fuss and carry on because they don’t get their way until they are thrown off airplane and humiliated in front of the entire nation. Not worth the paper it is printed on.


32 Comments on The Reviews Are In On Ivanka’s Harasser’s Book

  1. One of the results of assholes like this spewing their lifestyle bullshit on us is that it causes good hearted, fair minded people like my wife to see thru the propaganda that is being force fed to us. There were more than a few times that she questioned my thinking (gay rights, guns, liberals, etc.) but over the last few years she has as little respect for these special interest groups and social justice warriors as I do. She is even a proud recipient of a very nice, customized, AR-15 for Christmas. Times have changed, some of it for the better.

  2. This type of thinking is brought about by being slapped in the face with a schwantz one too many times. Granny says this dense housing thing that this sausage smoker is so fond of is just a way for him to get closer to more dick.

  3. I relish my solitude.
    I love not having to associate with shit-pickle-eaters like him.
    If he wants to crowd 1,000 faggots into a cargo-container – go for it!
    Just leave me out of it.

    I hope the ragheads teach him to fly (seeing as he can’t use an airline).

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The inescapable logic of a fudge packer. While straight males are defined by many things (country, family, religion, occupation, etc.) the sodomites always define themselves by their sexual orientation.

    They are the vegans of perversion.

  5. “-Absolute rubbish of a book. The guy actually says if you own a real house you are a “private property hoarder” and a “space nazi.”

    Yeah, and what’s wrong with owning a real house, being a private property hoarder and a space nazi.” I’m all of those and mighty proud of it. Best part is, I don’t owe anything on any of it, because I was one of those slaves that got my panty hose on 5 days a week, sat in traffic for 3 hours every day, and put up with a bitch of a boss 8 hourws a day. Dang straight I’m a space nazi and I want more of it!

  6. Wanna get noticed by the Left Wing intelligentsia just sprinkle yer meaningless diatribe with words like “Nazi” “White supremacist, Suburban, Capitalist, Private Porperty, Racism, Xenophobia, Bigotry, etc, etc.
    Oh… and don’t fergit to wear round glasses. They make you look like you really know whut yer talking about!
    You’ll have the White guilt-ridden, granola-eating, Gay-obsessed, coexist bumper-sticker, celebrity-obsessed, kumbaya-singing, hashtag opportunistic, Politically Correct, gullible idiots literally throwing their parent’s money at you!

  7. This makes no sense. Men who can’t become sexually excited unless another man’s throbbing erection is poking them, who want to adopt somebody else’s throw away baby to make sure it’s not contaminated with cis-normative cultural aggression, who expect an unending train of strange rolling through their shared bed (kitchen, vacation condo, nearest public park, etc.), are just like breeders! Everybody wants the same things in life (well, except for those deplorable -ists, who really need to be officially recognized as mentally ill — I mean really).

  8. a fudge packer is a freak and a deviant in any civilized society. No different than your dog, the neighbor’s cat or a llama at the zoo. It is freakdom and these ugly diccck lickers think they are normal. Yeah right gaymafia, keep thinking you are not psycho freaks.

  9. Someone has reached maximum faggotry and very desperate. Marrying one man seems to be cramping those whoring ways. Potentially warping a child just doesn’t have the expected thrill. The book tanks and attacking a mother and her kids backfired. A suicide watch may be in order because the “gay” life is proving its a mental illness that can become fatal.

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