“The Revolution Isn’t F*****N’ Easy” -Moldylocks – IOTW Report

“The Revolution Isn’t F*****N’ Easy” -Moldylocks

For anyone still defending Moldylocks as an innocent bystander, just taking pictures at an event, they ought to watch this clip.

Here we see her defending the use of M-80s thrown into crowds, one of which injured an elderly lady.

(note: I removed the first link because it contained some pictures of Moldylocks, ones that ought not be seen.)

We are supposed to sympathize with this crunt because she is a girl who was punched in the forehead?

Are those really gloves that are to aid in the taking of pictures? They look like they have steel inserts on the knuckles. (SAP gloves are illegal in California.)


45 Comments on “The Revolution Isn’t F*****N’ Easy” -Moldylocks

  1. You can’t proudly go into battle then cry when someone takes you up on it. She was there to stir up trouble, then when the trouble spilled over onto her, she claims Victimhood.

    Boohoo. You wanted it, you got it, you pathetic skank.

    I feel the same sense of Schadenfreude watching her get clocked in the face that I do watching an ISIS bomber who accidentally blows himself up.

  2. You rang?

    I’m done with this one. Except for AA, this whole discussion is purely one sided on this forum. Cool. It’s been made pretty clear I am not on your team.

    I get it…

  3. When I was a kid a long time ago- I used to draw a line in the sand– cross it and you were dead meat. and no it wasn’t Obamas red line– it was mine before he was born. I still use that line today. Leave me alone and you might see the sun rise tomorrow.

  4. Aggie,

    You’re trying your hardest to discredit anyone else’s points from an indefensible position.
    What else am i to do but present facts as they unfold.

    I warned you to stop digging.
    I had this stuff in the hopper as we rolled out the day’s posts.

    I saw the clips of her swinging the bottle. I saw the clip of her defending the use of exploding bottles tossed into crowds of Trump supporters.

    I knew for a fact she was not an innocent photographer at this event to take pictures.

    I said I wasn’t defending who the puncher was. It DOES NOT MATTER.
    It matters who the “victim” is in this story, the one the media is trying to paint as a poor girl swept up in KKK violence.
    You are on the side of that narrative.

    That will not fly here, no.
    Commenters are going to resist that line of reasoning.

    She is an antifa kunt, hellbent on violence, for the cause of the “revolution,” and you’re worried because she was decked by a useful idiot.

    I want more of that kind of punching when antifa shows up to strong arm free speech, no matter who it comes from.
    Remember, they were the interlopers at someone else’s rally, not vise versa.

  5. If this is the best ‘victim’ the left can come up with they are going to become even more marginalized going forward. Hard to commiserate with someone that hasn’t washed their hair in a year and shows up wearing a mask with weapons. Grow up and clean yourself up and rejoin society if you want the no hitting girls rule to apply to you.

  6. Okay. Now that I’ve read thru the previous post’s comments, I understand the back story re:Aggie.

    Sorry to be ill-informed. Now I know why I felt like I was walking in at the middle of the movie.

  7. read through the comments. if she was taking pictures of the event, produce them.

    since she has not, i suspect it is part of the big lie.

    and i saw inglorious basterds, the nazi scalp reference had nothing to do with a polaroid moment.

    on a collegiate note, i would like to congratulate berkeley university on a job accomplished.

  8. It was a free speech event and antifa came to misbehave and try to intimidate. She’s misinformed and lying when claiming people were there to try to take her rights.

    What rights would those be? She looks down and breaks off her comments before someone can question her whole premise.

    At least at the next antifa round up she won’t have to cover her face, everyone knows who she is now.

  9. I would say that it doesn’t need a lice comb, it needs a lice rake! I really have to listen to other posters when they say “don’t scroll down”. It might turn on a silverback mountain gorilla, but I think I’ve been irreversibly traumatized, I need a safe space…

  10. @Aggie and All: Just for the record: (If interested, see my comment on the prior, related thread.) But going back to Fur’s original question about a guy hitting a gal: My first instinct is, no, it’s not alright. But this is an unusual situation (unfortunately, becoming more and more common). The woman in question is there to fight. I don’t believe she was there to merely take photographs or is she was she shouldn’t have dressed as antifa (and who came up with a name that is 180 degrees from what they are. Antifa? More like straight up fascists). Anyway…

    Her being a employed in porn is beside the point. That wasn’t her role the other day, it was to be part of a mob whose aim was to deprive others of their civil rights of free assembly and speech. Illegal.

    Should a guy have walked up to her and clocked her? Not without provocation, no. But if she was assaulting others or threatening imminent assault on him, yes. It’s pretty simple. And it doesn’t matter at all what she represents or what she does for a living. Nor does it matter for the guy. The law doesn’t care what you do for a living or what your politics are (though it should if you are in fact engaged in overthrowing the lawfully constituted Republic).

    Under ordinary circumstances I don’t think men should hit women and it depresses me that this may be the new normal. I think if I were a guy, I’d probably walk away first. That, to me anyway, shows greater self-control, and somewhere — maybe way down deep — a woman, no matter how bizarrely out of control she might be, knows a man with character is right and she is wrong.

  11. I have refrained from posting about this matter do to the hard stance I take on the subject. Can’t keep silent anymore. So here goes, try not to hate me for it.

    A jab to the face is just too good for these street terrorists. I would have unleashed ten rows deep.

    How they are able to keep assembling and attacking leaves me puzzled. If America is to truly be great again, these demonic beings need to be excised.

  12. AA,
    I don’t believe a man should hit a woman. We’ve had that discussion here before and I’ve gone to the mat defending that position.
    This is different. She’s established herself as a combatant. She had a weapon. She was in the melee. All bets are off.
    When I was 22 or so a lifting buddy of mine and I were cruising through Santa Cruz one sunny Saturday. We’re stopped at the a light in front of a Mexican Catina and this couple walks out screaming at each other. They get right in front of our truck and he smacks his female companion hard enough to knock her down. Well my buddies out of my truck in a shot and does the same to the guy. Slapped his ass so hard it sounded like a gun going off. Well while he’s explaining why you never hit a woman the woman gets up and starts beating the crap out of my buddy with her big ass purse. Well he took that for about 30 seconds before he slapped her. Self defense at that time. He climbed back in and laughed are butts off. To this day i won’t get involved in a domestic quarrel. I’ll call the cops.

  13. You all may not catch the full meaning of using M-80’s. Obama’s best buddy, Bill Ayers supposedly used them, back in the day. In heaven’s name, why … you may well ask

    One reason is that an M-80 going off could be mistaken for a gunshot, which could spook a cop or, say, a nervous National Guardsman into thinking that he was under attack. And, of course, when motherfuckers get nervous, that’s when some innocent motherfuckers can get shot. And then left-wing motherfuckers in the media can blame these innocent deaths on right wing motherfuckers (Thank you, Samuel Jackson)

    That’s the hidden agenda behind the M-80, which makes this crunt even more guilty than the 100% guilty crunt that she already is

  14. If a woman is attacking me I will knock her unconscious. I did it once before in Jr High School and will do it again. Once the attack starts gender just doesn’t matter.
    Liz – If you’re reading this, I hope it felt as bad for you as it felt good to me.

  15. BB — Yes, that’s what I wrote and I agree with you. However, even under the circumstances given, if all that’s happening is some woman is screaming her head off at a guy then that’s no excuse, right? But that’s not what she was doing. To be honest, I think a 120- or 130-something pound woman has no business taking on a 175+ pound man. And if I was a guy, that fact alone would give me pause. Like, “What’s this person up to, anyway?” It seems to me she was hoping someone would retaliate in order to get it on film. Nonetheless, she had it coming — especially since there were no police to report an assault to and do it the legal way. Personally, I hate physical violence like fist fights.

  16. AA,
    I didn’t want to leave you with the impression I’m a loose cannon. I’m not. I’ve never started a fight in my life. Might have spurred a few on. I live by this ““I won’t be wronged. I won’t be insulted. I won’t be laid a-hand on. I don’t do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.”

    And you’d never catch me dead at an event like Bezerkly now days. And I do understand Aggies point. I don’t agree with it, but I do understand it.

  17. I saw a woman with a bottle nearly kill my buddy at Danceteria in Manhattan.
    Innocent looking waif. Sweet looking.
    If I could go back in time I would knock her into next week.
    She sucker smashed him over the head and kicked him in the face when he went down.

  18. I was raised never to strike a girl. If my Daddy had ever heard of me doing it, he would still be beating me, and he died 25 years ago. As a child, I would literally run away from girls who were hitting me, just to keep from hitting back. But now we live in different times. Now women want to be considered the equal of men in every way. Well, equality is a two-way street. You can’t have equality of the sexes and still expect men to open doors for women and not to strike back when attacked.

    Lest you think I like the current state of affairs, I don’t. I accept it because that’s the way it is, but I would be just as happy to go back to the way things were in the 1950s. At least then you knew where you stood, and the rules didn’t change every couple of years, depending on which way the political winds were blowing.

    P.S. – It’s a moot point for me now. Any female as young as Moldylocks could undoubtedly kick my ass whether I hit back or not. I’d have to shoot her, and that would make me very sad. So don’t look for me at any demonstrations, unless I just happened to be passing by and got caught up in it. In that case, just look for the guy with the “deer-in-the-headlights” look on his face and his hand on his concealed carry weapon. That’ll be me.


  19. I’d club that bitch like a baby seal.

    I’ve never heard an M-80 that sounded like
    a gun shot, or a shotgun blast. That’s phucking
    small bomb, and I’ve blown up hundreds of them
    from Missouri when they were legal there.

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