The Ridiculousness of Modern-day Headlights – IOTW Report

The Ridiculousness of Modern-day Headlights

Lady complains about the ridiculousness of modern-day headlights.

Watch HERE.

It’s the LED Headlights.

Read about it HERE.

h/t BevWky

34 Comments on The Ridiculousness of Modern-day Headlights

  1. I sure hate driving at night. I don’t know if the glare is because my eyes are old an astigmatic (despite my insistence upon staying 29!) or if it’s the new lights, or both. I have a new car too, so I am likely part of the problem – I can’t tell how much glare my lights create but they do a really nice job of lighting up the road, so probably.

  2. Even back in the day of roundeye headlights, some of the Lincolns and Caddies with 4 headlights the high beams could be VERY bright. I used to curse them until I bought one.

  3. I find headlight bulbs in the auto parts stores marked,”for off road use only” I have my doubts if anyone is enforcing that. I also found a sun visor flip down tinted plastic plate that helps to see when blinded by people who don’t dim their lights for you. I know my old eyes are tired, but…

  4. I bought those night time glasses to drive at night. They look dorky but they work great. I do have astigmatism and early cataracts but headlights are no longer blinding me at night. Even the super bright trucks with way too many lights aren’t awful anymore. I highly recomend everyone buy those silly yellow glasses!

  5. “Harsh Blue-White Hue: The “cool” color…”

    Why do so many idiots get this wrong? Color temperature does not work this way. Look the shit up and quit being uneducated fuckstick CUNTS!!

  6. I thought it was just me. To much radiation to the head is not good for the old eye sight.
    About two days after the election I’m on my way home, way after dark, from work. Now I drive a lifted Duramx, but my lights have been adjusted and I rarely have someone flash their brights at me. So I’m driving home on a very empty road. I pass one car and the little bitch cranks his brights on 500 feet before he gets to me and left them on. So I hit him with mine. He’s driving some new Toychota with the LED lights. The guy flips a bitch behind me and does his best to close the gap. Well I’m not letting this asshole follow me home. So I drove to our local super market parking lot and found an empty area underneath the lights, hopped out and waited for him to arrive. Turned out to be a little stick of a man with a big mouth. An obvious libtard who was still butt hurt over the election. I told him, OK, you caught me, now climb out, but your hands better be empty or I’ll shoot your ass.
    He decided it was a good idea to go home after that.

  7. Being tired of what Michigan weather does to vehicles I buy a winter driver every few years. It’s always been a pickup truck and this year I got a new replacement.
    Found a extended cab Chevy Colorado at a township auction with only 42 thousand miles.
    Having always had full size trucks I already hate it. It’s very low to the ground and I really notice oncoming headlights which is something I never did before unless their brights were on.
    I’ll be getting rid of this little truck come spring.

  8. I’ve got an LED landing light on my Cessna 150, and that sucker lights up a half mile of runway easy on landing. And the 150 foot width is ablaze too. My wife can’t stand driving at night, especially on freeways, because of those damn things.

  9. We used to put aftermarket racing bulbs on our motorcycles back in the day. The bright beams were ridiculous but reassuring when riding at night but cars would be flashing you from a half mile up the road.

  10. There was a joke about a car transport driver who’s lights went out while driving at night, so he pulled over and climbed up to the top car in front and turned on the lights so that he could continue on down the road. As he was driving along an oncoming car slowed down and drove off the road. He stopped to see if the driver was OK, then asked what happened. The car driver said “well, when I saw a pair of head lights up that high I had no idea of how wide it was so I drove off the road to get out of the way!

  11. Yes, those things are too bright and are causing problems, but I sure do understand the other side of the coin. I used to spend a fair amount of nighttime driving on unlit country 2-lanes, and we had a hefty deer population. My ride was an old VW Dasher diesel wagon with quad headlights, so I replaced the normal automobile high beams with Cessna landing lights. Literally, airplane landing lights. Boy-howdy I sure could see the road! But I made it a habit to keep my fingers on the high/low switch at all times when I had my brights on, and always turned them down for oncoming or cross traffic even if they were a long way off.

    This is one of the very few arguments I’ll consider when some officious dork wants to crank up yearly vehicle inspections again. It was during one of those they my friendly mechanic found the landing lights installed and the originals in boxes in the trunk and put the “correct” ones back in. He apologized when he said he could lose his inspector’s ticket otherwise.

  12. My wife bought a new Subaru. Its an OK car I guess, bit too plasticky, but it does this derfy thing where the headlights turn with the steering wheel to theoretically help you see in corners, an idea I had thought died in 1948 with the Tucker Automobile Company. I cant say it really helps at ALL but it certainly does add to the mechanical complexity and gives it another unnecessary failure point, so theres that.

    I cant wait to see how it fails. Maybe it’ll end up wall-eyed, or cross-eyed, or simply look to the left all the time. Not sure who decided headlights need to be more complicated and almost impossible to replace, but here we are…

  13. When I found that article I asked my son about it because I don’t do that much night time driving nowadays. He said it could be bad coming at you but he’d also rather have them too bright than too dim on his own car. 🤷‍♂️

  14. When it’s worst is when a pickup, or even a utility truck is pulling a heavy trailer. The weight in the trailer causes the ass end of the truck to settle, which in turn lifts the front end up just enough to aim his lights right into the eyes of oncoming traffic.

  15. “…I made it a habit to keep my fingers on the high/low switch at all times…”

    Sure was nice back when you could just push that button on the floor while you flicked your ashes out the vent window.

  16. I bought Black Market Soviet Space Shuttle Landing Lights….They’ll set a

    Hitchhiker on Fire if You slow down to act like You’re gonna pick em up..

    Filthy F*ckin Hippies….

  17. For me it’s not the lights so much as the signs. even on low beam some of them are too bright now. Mrs. Truckbuddy just got a ’24 Bronco Sport Badlands with automatic high beams, there is hope.

  18. y’all know you can adjust the aim on your lights? that’s half the problem, the other half is auto makers installing the supernova lights, and the other half is parts stores selling the off road and otherwise overpowered lights, and the other half is idiots not paying attention and leaving on the blinders on high.

    I’m hating the night driving too.

  19. ^^^^^^
    Just about any full service gas station will adjust your headlights to the legal level for about $35.00. People that own modified trucks should start using that service.

  20. Years ago I had a ‘garage’ replace an sealed beam headlight. I don’t know how the mechanic did it, but he got it installed 90 degrees out so instead of hi/low beams I had left/right beams

  21. @ J Conner TUESDAY, 31 DECEMBER 2024, 16:43 AT 4:43 PM

    I have a pair of amber glasses in each of my vehicles. In fog or when the road is wet and there is a lot of spray it allows me see through it. I can’t tell you how many times someone has been riding in my vehicle and I un clipped them from the visor and put them on and had them ask or remark about them. How the hell can people live in western Washington for decades and not be aware is beyond me.

  22. @ Sgtzim TUESDAY, 31 DECEMBER 2024, 20:46 AT 8:46 PM

    A good strong lamp “for backing in your boat when it’s dark” seems to accidentally get turned on is those situations.

  23. Too many things have not made life better.

    LED lights. Hate them. Hate them everywhere.

    But there’s a long list. I want to buy a new MECHANICAL only vehicle without “driver assist”, GPS, Sight-impairing headrests, and computerized everything. I want landlines back that worked when the electricity was out. I want people answering phones not abominable recordings that too often don’t have an option for what you need. I want cameras gone that are everywhere spying, both government and private. I don’t want to “go to the website”, especially for medical issues, and super-especially when I’m calling about the internet service being down. I want 90% of the women currently in them out of the military, fire and police departments, and for that matter, every DEI hire gone from government and private employment. I want the entire medical and medical insurance industry to go back to the way it was in 1980, perhaps with minor tweaks for government coverage of preexisting. I don’t want bills coming (or not coming!) via email or to pay them on-line (Big Brother). I want toilets that flush, washing machines that actually clean, and shower heads that don’t restrict water flow. I want the immigration and visa laws back the way they were in 1960…

    Life has not been made better with all these “improvements”.

    Happy New Year, all.


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