The Right Has Legitimate Anger – Let’s Use It! – IOTW Report

The Right Has Legitimate Anger – Let’s Use It!

Watching the president’s press conference on immigration, gathered with the families who have been victims of criminal illegal aliens, should anger every American. The left, however, remains unmoved. Their allegiance is with the illegals. They are not only willing to protect them from United States law enforcement, they’ve begun to seek out border security officials and agents to DOX, harangue and hector in public.

They’ve declared war on their own country, in solidarity with foreign invaders. There was a time where there was a remedy for this type of behavior.

Many of the victims of illegal alien crime are legal immigrants. When they became citizens they had to know our constitution and then take an oath to abide by it. They did so, proudly. Meanwhile, our politicians took the same oath and they are breaking it, yet the left has the audacity to yell “shame on you” at people who want the law of the land upheld.

It’s obvious the left cares little about children, there wasn’t a smidgen of protest while their guy was in office and fundamentally changing the country as we know it. The children are simply their war weapons in order to fight back against a crushing defeat at the ballot box.

We will not fall for the left’s faux anger, not while we have legitimate anger.

For every crying illegal kid the left carts out we have a coffin to show them with a dead American inside- a victim of a $hitstain that would have never made their way through a legitimate immigration process. A $hitstain that should be tossed out of the country. A $hitstain that the left protects and shields from law enforcement.

How is our country enriched by someone with continual DUIs, assaults, robberies, wife beatings, muggings? Obviously there is an ulterior motive for the left. No one can be this empathetic to the $hitstain while the law-abiding suffers, can they?

We’re at war, people, and that is not hyperbole. We just have to figure out how we are going to conduct this war in order to win it.






31 Comments on The Right Has Legitimate Anger – Let’s Use It!

  1. You’re absolutely right Big Fur . I’m hoping for a Republican coup d’éta,against our government and I want to be a part of It somehow. Watching Elijah Cummings or any Democrat makes me shudder.. They are The evil of society.

  2. Something that has never been answered by the left is its continued pursuit of revolution for utopian happiness. What is it they seek? The left revolution isn’t over until someone puts the chain back on.

  3. “Obviously there is an ulterior motive”
    I said it before, these people are not future voters they’re future soldiers for the left. They know soy boys won’t cut it, but MS 13 types will.

  4. Yeah. I’m still stuck doing the obligatory logical argument emails to my senators and governor. I know it’s a useless, futile exercise that only makes me angrier the longer I’ve done it. Which is forever.

    It is apparent that the left has a network that tells their band of marauders where targets will be dining and when. See Milo and Kirstjen Nielsen, for instance.

    We don’t know The Who, where and when that leftists know about our side. How do we get our own moles to provide those details to a network of activists?

    I agree that what we’re doing is useless. The left has a spy network.

    This discussion needs to go offline.

  5. They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue.
    If I were the DHS Secretary, a bunch of rough men would appear and begin to club the shit out of the protesters around my house.

  6. This country was built on “masculinity.”
    The leftists snuck in and added the word “toxic” to couple with it. So not true.
    I’ve watched liberal wives try and be the “tough” one while continuing to emasculate their own husbands, converting them into mealy little “feminists” because it pleases the wife. I’ve witnessed these men, who when faced with a problem concerning their wives, simply say, “oh, dear..” and let their wives handle it in a “feminist forceful” way.
    That’s never going to fly. Never has, never will. Because when the REAL heat comes down, the “masculine” will always take care of it. Women can be strong but they’d be quickly eliminated by a force much too strong for them. And their stupid husbands will be up a tree still crying,”oh dear.”
    Personally, I am starting to see that maybe the leftist ideological arc of around 100 years may be coming to a close. Most everyone can see the total transparent media propaganda, the anchors acting like crying babies, the pearl clutching, etc.
    This is all laughable to adversaries out there. Masculine men will always have to do the dirty work, making sure no harm comes to them, their loved ones, or their country.
    The elitist, repressive leftist ruse is going to come to an end. It may take another 30 years, but good, strong upstanding patriots are tired of this shit. That’s exactly why the timing was perfect for President Trump.
    He echoed what so many Americans were feeling. Our enemies were laughing, taking advantage of us, manipulating girly men leaders. This is the United States of America. We as a collective don’t play that game.
    Our freedom was far too difficult to attain.
    The liberals are quaking in their boots as they are witnessing their own demise and it couldn’t be more delicious to watch.
    Every day they lose a little more.

  7. It might sound a bit silly but the war will be won when we learn how to effectively deal with those stuck in permanent adolescence. I chose not to have children so I have no practical experience. In other words, I don’t have the answers.

    How do you deal with people who don’t have fully formed brains on a mass scale?

    Trump can’t handle this alone especially with a slew of Republicans that are fighting against him publicly but mostly privately.

  8. gonna make me up a new t-shirt:
    “CAUTION: Toxic Masculinity At Work”
    “Please Stand Back … I’m not sure how big this thing gets; it’s growing bigger every day!”

    “Now, go f*ck off, Snowflake”

  9. I have worked my entire adult life putting money into social security. To watch heinous politicians use it as a slush fund for votes, giving it to losers who have never put a dime in it just frosts me to no end. By the time it’s my turn to get my little pittance, it will be bankrupt. I can only hope there really is karma, poetic justice or whatever you want to call it for these evil, evil people.

  10. @ Anon – Please explain what it is to be ‘right’.

    Abortion? Sanctity of life?
    Death Penalty? Value of life?
    Military Strength?
    Rule of law?
    A man and woman, good relationship, are best for a child?
    A practicing faith?
    Fiscal Conservatism? Spend within your means?


  11. I read today that the frontrunner for President of Mexico says it is a “human right” to migrate to the US and the people of Mexico must leave their towns and go north in masses. Seething anger since I read that. Too late to build the wall since the election is July 1 and Texas is on the front lines.

  12. I was fortunate enough to meet and listen to Andrew Breitbart speak. He would stop periodically, stomp his feet, and say, “Have I mentioned we’re at WAR”? He was so right.

  13. Dallas Taylor JUNE 22, 2018 AT 7:53 PM
    Marian,when our turn to collect comes and they turn us away, come see Poor Lazlo and join my Pirate band of senior malcontents bent on comeuppance.

    Sign me up please…


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