The rightful president will issue a statement every time resident Bidumb blunders – I love this – IOTW Report

The rightful president will issue a statement every time resident Bidumb blunders – I love this

Trump will stand in the wings, and chime in, illustrating just how stupid it was for everyone to sit on their hands after the left stole this election.

The border is in crisis, hyperinflation is imminent, money is being printed as fast as the presses can roll, unemployment rising, China is thumping their war drums, Russia is hacking our infrastructure, gas prices are climbing, the police are quitting all over the nation, Marxists are taking over, Israel is burning… everything is out of control while our own government tries to control us…

Only 100 days in and Trump is looking pretty good, isn’t he, you dumbass Trump haters.

But hey, at least there are no more mean tweets, right?

16 Comments on The rightful president will issue a statement every time resident Bidumb blunders – I love this

  1. Biden, the presidential imposter, can’t put a coherent sentence together while using a teleprompter. Political waste product.
    100 days of epic failure of leadership.
    What a clown show.

  2. Go ahead President Trump, kick em’ in the cajones.πŸ˜‰πŸ˜

    As far as we’re concerned you are the rightful President. πŸ™‚

    MAGA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Miss You! 😿

  3. My Grandfather was a very fine Suit Designer. He actually made suits for Mohamed Ali, Joe DiMaggio, Turdo Senior, Lee Iacocca, Gretzky, Red Kelly, Johnny Bauer, Lee Majors, etc. Ali Impressed him the most. Iacocca the least. (I am in some photos)

    He was the Chief Designer at a Famous Place in Toronto. Every once in a while the Owner (Lou Myles) would piss him off so bad he would throw shit, blast Lou and quit. (serious Mobster) Every time it happened I would get an invite for a special lunch mid week. Shrimp Flambe, Steak, etc.

    After 2 weeks, when the “shop” was a total mess, Lou would pass by my Grandfather’s house with an envelope and a couple bottles of Red. The next Monday Vic Romeo was back as Chief designer.
    He even leased him a Red Cadillac long after retirement.

    Somehow, in my mind, these last 5 months have always made me feel like this is a temporary situation and that the Talent WILL RETURN before the damage becomes irreversible.

    Trump, a Trump backed candidate, someone totally different, I don’t care. Anyone other than who ever is in charge now because it certainly is not Joe.

  4. That is an incredible story
    you got there. Spent 2 weeks in
    Toronto back in ’96 for company
    training.I enjoyed the place and so
    did the Mrs.She bought sooo many antiques
    & collectables for her shop back in the states
    that we had to buy some cheap zipper bags at
    the Chinese flea market.

  5. Well, yea, stick it to him. An easy target that needs to be taken advantage of. Mother Fuckers been an elected official for ever and I guess he’s bitchen about his failures. Yes, No? The corrupt mother fucker would be living on the street if he were forced to participate in the private sector. My point is, this retard ain’t calling the shots. But hell yea, keep the pressure up.


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