The Roast of Obama at the WHCD – IOTW Report

The Roast of Obama at the WHCD

After the crooked and foul-mouthed Michelle Wolf’s mean-spirited performance I decided to go back to an early WHCD “roast” of Barack Obama to see what it was like when a democrat was in power and see the “scathing ribbing.”

Wanda Sykes did the honors, and it was a suck-up fest. 90% of the jokes were based on the premise that Obama was too cool and likable. She got edgy when she implied that people back off on Obama when he’s playing basketball because they’re scared of him and the secret service.

When she turned to the Michelle jokes it was about her great arms. The worst insult came when she made fun of the choice to give the Queen of England an iPOD.

There wasn’t a mean-spirited joke in the set, UNTIL she started talking about the right. Sarah Palin and John McCain were the main targets. Palin was made fun of about “abstinence,” and McCain was portrayed as a gold digging husband. Bush was portrayed as a thief and a villain because poor Barack’s starting point was so bad because of the previous administration. She had one joke where she said if she had kids she’d tell them that if two cars ever pulled up, one with a stranger driving and the other with Cheney driving, she’d teach them to get in the stranger’s car.

And she actually wished death on Rush Limbaugh saying that she “hoped his kidneys would fail.”

The contrast between the treatment of the right and the left at these roasts is more laughable than the comedy material itself.

At the time we felt it necessary to re-roast Obama the way the right gets roasted-

17 Comments on The Roast of Obama at the WHCD

  1. The conservative movement has the moral high ground, I hope we never stoop as low as what I witnessed last night. I sent my young teen out of the room in just the first few minutes. It shouldn’t be this bad, especially at an event such as this. Journalist hit a new low last night, just when I thought they couldn’t get any lower.

    Read a list of the insults here:

  2. Trump reunites N and S Korea, and the left is listening to some low-life foul-mouthed idiot spew profanity and hate at a stupid dinner no one cares about.

    The democrats are going to get their clocks cleaned in 2018 elections

  3. Ha! Great job, Fur!!
    I saw a retweet saying that something like “this is the second year Trump doesn’t attend the dinner. Obama only almost missed once, and that was because he was dealing with the order to kill Bin Laden.”

    I thought it was a joke, but I went to the person’s account and she was serious.

  4. WHO is in charge of the Itinerary? This is a WHITE HOUSE dinner! They don’t choose their own entertainment?

    I suggest trump either disinvite the media from here on…. or invite only those he likes, or replace it with a military dinner. If he does invite the LSM, he should bring in Dennis Miller or Adam Carolla and have them spend an hour humiliating the media.

  5. The left are delusional and hope we can’t see with our own eyes, Barry’s a fairy and Moochelle is a Sasquatch. They’re not blind to the truth what freaks those two are. It’s a matter of misery loves company. A company of queers, weidos and substance abusers.

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