The Rolling Stones… In Concert? – IOTW Report

The Rolling Stones… In Concert?

ht/ woody

Foley guy having fun.

27 Comments on The Rolling Stones… In Concert?

  1. Saw them in 1981 at the old Pontiac Silverdome. They were way to loud for the acoustics in an indoor stadium and Jaggers vocals were terrible.
    If I had it to do over I would have saved the money and bought albums instead.

  2. Mick doing his best James Brown impersonations again …. badly, again

    saw this whole flick at a Saturday matinee show at the old Wheaton Theater on Veirs Mill Road & Randolf, back in the day when all the stores were in English.
    (back in ’64, I think)

  3. Reminds me of the time when we were playing Scattergories and I was supposed to get partner to guess Mick Jagger without uttering a sound. I danced stuck my lips out and danced with my lips out and waving my arms around like a monkey. My partner got it and we won. It’s quite embarrassing in retrospect.

  4. @Jethro ~ went by there last year (stopped by Parklawn Cemetery, across from St. Jude’s on Veirs Mill, to visit my Grandparent’s & In-Laws graves before heading up to Deep Creek Lake)

    you’re right …. only the roads were in English …. a lot of Rockville too

  5. I saw them for the last time at Gillette Stadium just outside of Boston two years ago. It was the worst concert I have been to. The stands at Gillette Stadium are so high it makes the perfect echo chamber.

    Their best concert I saw them was in Gwinnett Georgia in 2006. I had 2nd level seat front row at the opposite end of the colosseum. During the first song the stage broke in half and moved the full length of the floor. Our seats were 20 feet from the stage.

  6. A few weeks ago I saw an ad for priority ticket purchases for their upcoming tour if you are an AARP member – It was on the Weather Channel – had to LOL at that one

  7. Dr. Hambone, no way they are the most overrated group ever. They kicked ass for decades. Granted the last 10-20 years they had to rely on their backup singers and band, but they still rocked! I saw them in the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s and I thought they were great. Saw them a couple times after 2010 and they definitely have lost a step, but then so have I.

  8. As somewhat related story.
    After the concert some friends of mine who lived near the Blue Water Bridge (there was only one at the time, there are two now) informed me that the Canadians coming over on buses to the concert found that US Customs were inspecting the buses so it began raining all kinds of drugs and paraphernalia thrown from the buses to the ground below. Guess I missed a hell of a party.😉

  9. Different Tim, never comment before, but was born in Port Huron, Silver Dome concerts lol, The Who, The clash, lot of Canuck’s, you had to get there early, Canadians next to me smoked about 20 joints, and fell asleep

  10. Vinny, good hearing from a hometown boy. Saw the Who at the Silver dome in 79. We had some good concerts at McMorran back in the day also before the town turned into a shithole.

  11. I thought that was The T.A.M.I. Show. I saw it about ten years ago. I wasn’t expecting much but I rather enjoyed it.

    The most surprising thing was the Mashup between Chuck Berry and Gerry and the Pacemakers. I thought it was good.

    I was surprised to see The Barbarians. Yes, I knew who they were.

    And Smokey Robinson couldn’t sing live then, either

  12. The Stones – so many great songs, going back as early as 1964, at least.

    I finally figured out one line from Rudy Tuesday – “Who could hang a name on you”, means that Ruby was so independent she would never take on a man’s last name. OK, some women are just like that.

    I never bothered understanding a lot of rock lyrics, but I like Ruby Tuesday so much I finally decided to try and understand what it meant.

    Ruby Tuesday has an almost antique sound – so long ago, seems to be from an entirely different world.


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