The Rumor is McConnell is Stepping Down From Senate – IOTW Report

The Rumor is McConnell is Stepping Down From Senate


McConnell Out? Insiders Drop Bomb, May Not Finish Out Term: Report

…following Biden’s inauguration, Trump’s recent and scathing condemnation of the former Senate Majority Leader and a future in GOP politics where the Republicans of old and their way of doing business seems destined to be vanquished from the party, a report alleges that just four months after defeating McGrath, McConnell is seeking an exit.

Nick Storm, writing for The Intercept, reported that the Kentucky legislature is currently seeking to strip the state’s governor, who for now is Democrat Andy Beshear, of his ability to choose a replacement for the long-serving McConnell, should he retire.

Storm reported McConnell is behind a bill in the Kentucky General Assembly that would “strip the governor of that power and put it into the hands of the state GOP,” and might ultimately help to place the state’s attorney general, Daniel Cameron, as McConnell’s successor.


38 Comments on The Rumor is McConnell is Stepping Down From Senate

  1. I read somewhere he has some major health issues that may cause him to depart this term.
    I sure hope the replacement will not be as mummified as McConnell, who has been in the Senate since the first battle of bull run at the start of the Civil War, July, 1861.

  2. if he’s going to leave, he’ll stay yet a while, working behind the scene deals to make sure his wife’s corruption is buried. He’ll negotiate that by underhandedly steering what he can of the senate. That has the potential to have him be more damaging than he has been.
    He got his wife out of office and also out of the news- I don’t think he gives a shit about too much else.

  3. He knows what the future holds for him. No big deal for him or his wife. They both get to retire with extravagant pensions, benefits and perks the rest of their lives from the underfunded plans we prop up as taxpayers. He’ll be fine.

  4. McTurtle is probably stepping down because he’s done his part to get Xiden into the White House. CCP mission complete. He can rest on his wicked laurels – eventually in a flipped up shell.

  5. You can run Mitch, but you can’t hide.

    Powerful people will worry about you because they’re nervous of what you might mumble in your sleep.

    Sweet dreams, sell-out traitor.

  6. @the dirtball: ” …It could also be due to somebody is about to spill the beans about his real ties to the CCP.”

    that is, what they call, his ‘leash.’
    lots of congress critters have them.
    and they each have their ‘dog walkers,’ too

  7. I’m pretty sure if the KY GOP has there way a replacement would be AG Cameron. I’m just not sure I trust him either after he kind of wimped out on the whole election fraud stuff. Of course Kentucky went GOP but that still doesn’t mean there wasn’t something hinky going on in the big Democratic cities that needed to be looked at.

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