The Russia Gate/Spy Gate/Faux Impeachment Update – IOTW Report

The Russia Gate/Spy Gate/Faux Impeachment Update

Dan Bongino has all the dirt:
In this episode, I address the complete collapse of the deep-state plot to take down the Trump administration and the bizarre backup plan the plotters hatched to save their hoax narrative. I also discuss the fake liberal hype over Bill Taylor’s testimony about the hoax Ukraine “scandal.” WATCH

7 Comments on The Russia Gate/Spy Gate/Faux Impeachment Update

  1. too bad the republicans will not attempt the same treatment of the next democrat potus.
    what goes around comes around except in national politics.

    if they are successful with trump, then not another non career politician will ever run again.
    the professional politician has been the death of this great country
    political office was supposed to be about public service but has morphed into a cash cow for those elected.

  2. Swing a dead cat and hit a lying democRAT!
    The funny part is these stupid clowns have been clobbering each other with their own Dead Cat agendas for three years… all on the Over-Taxed Payer’s dime!!
    Next year it’s time to un-elect all these disingenuous Assholes and stop the insanity!

  3. BILL, And that is why we need to
    “restore” our constitutional republic.
    Term limits and ABOLISH! all ‘lobbying’,
    in other words crooked pay-offs.

  4. For years I’ve been listening to Mark Levin podcasts on my commute, but once again the process to download has changed and is currently non-functional. Happens every time they have decided that they needed to “upgrade” or change the process.
    Every damn time.

    If it ain’t broke, DON’T FIT IT. I have had enough of this and am going to switch over to downloading Bongino’s podcast instead.


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