The Russian ambassador to the UN just said that Trump was the legitimate president and that he was ousted (by election fraud) – IOTW Report

The Russian ambassador to the UN just said that Trump was the legitimate president and that he was ousted (by election fraud)

ht/ Dave S

64 Comments on The Russian ambassador to the UN just said that Trump was the legitimate president and that he was ousted (by election fraud)

  1. Well, glad it was said by an outsider and very publicly.

    However, creating a bright shiny object to further distract the U.S. isn’t really helpful, and seems a bit disingenuous because of it.

    Another day in (fools’) paradise.

  2. Like we didn’t already know that.

    Apparently the entire US government would rather follow Ole Pantshitter to Oblivion than rock the gravy train they ride.

    F–. them all !

  3. ^^^^^ I see Liz Cheney is still commenting here. Hey Liz, Q always said the military was the only solution. He just didn’t mention it was the Russian Military. And mean while our Military is spending the day studying Pro Nouns.

  4. So, after Ukraine, they’re going to liberate… err… de-NAZI-fy… The United States?

    Seems to be marching backwards. Since The United States overthrew the elected government of Ukraine. With a fake “election”.

    But you do you, Vlad.

  5. The timeworn assumption, USA-good/USSR-bad, left the planet long ago.

    8 years of oBozo and now Shitpants running the US govt should knock old assumptions to Mars. Odds are 50:1 in my book that Uncle Sam owns the lying and warmongering.

    So that biden* and America’s perverts could make filthy money in Ukraine.

  6. @Brad March 3, 2022 at 12:55 pm

    > Russian intelligence is equal to ours.

    If Russian intelligence was equal to ours, they’d still have the international communalism we saved for them. Last century. Like we do.

  7. The way they Lied about the Canadian Trucker Convoy being Nazi, Racist, Misogynist, Communist, Trumpist, Radical…

    I don’t believe the narrative from MSM at all.

    Under Obama the country was corrupt and he and Biden were trying to clean it up by removing Prosecutors & such. Hillary was giving away 20% of US Uranium rights to Russia. We all saw the videos of both.

    Don’t care, as long as it does not go WW-III or Nuke. The powers that be already know at what point Russia stops, cuts of the piece they want, and everyone goes back to Orange Man Bad.

    It has already been calculated and unfortunately innocent people are dying as they always have.

  8. The problem with foreign intelligence agencies having the goods on our corrupt and TRAITOROUS politicians is that they seem to hold on to the info for their own blackmail purposes. It’s time for everyone to put their cards on the table. Talk about the shit hitting the fan!

  9. Anonymous, (the one that is a jackass)

    Russian intelligence invaded the West’s Universities and created Jackasses like you.
    Better, worse or equal, they have accomplished many of what their goals were since the 50’s.

    Yuri Bezmenov if you feel like unscrewing your head from your ass. (about 1:20 min watch on Y-tube)

    The open truth of the election in this case causes more disruption, and that is why they said it. Russia’s stated goals are not Trump vs. Hillary or Dumbo, it is disruption.

    Now let’s sit back and see if the MSM runs with the statement.

    Watch the video jackass.

  10. ^^^don’t need stupid f’n vids, seen enough, know enough, never ever liked your… the person EVER, way before any shit ever hit a fan, your boy takes the cake.

  11. Who’s the leader of the Club?

    That’s made for They & Them.

    J A C – K A S S

    Your welcome as can be.

    J A C – K A S S

    Your a fuckin jackass!

  12. As great a potential enemy that Putin is, Zelenskyy and his supporters (NWO, WEF, Deep State, Clinton’s, Biden’s and many other TRAITOROUS BASTARD politicians) are just as great an enemy of free people in all nations. Like I’ve said, there are no good guys in this! But pray for the innocent individuals and families, war is hell!

  13. “Interesting this site gets a bot attack every time a story on Putin comes up.” -Brad

    And you get called “COMRADE!”

    Who knew Brad was a secret Communist? Wait! What if he’s also Russian!!!11!!

    Sadly entertaining, I guess, sort of, well, maybe not…

  14. WAIT A MINUTE!!!!
    She said he said “the country”. He didn’t say “the USA”.
    I want to hear more of that speech before and after that statement to better understand the context. Maybe he was actually referring to another country.
    This wouldn’t be the first time the true meaning was “lost in translation”.

  15. Anonymous – (the one who is a jackass)

    My customers were getting repairs to their HVAC in the neighbourhood of $750 – $1,000 on average & 1 day service during Trumps 4 years.
    After 1 year of pResident Jackass those same repairs are $1,000 – $1,300. and wait days due to parts shortages.
    Even you have to have some sympathy for the average person who Has earned LESS, Paid Same taxes, and been beaten up by inflation.


  16. Brad, now I am….. well I feel… darn it I wannabe a 100% woman, but I ran out money. Twerkin on it! Love you guys! Please don’t give Brad a hard time because I lov him!

  17. @joe6pak March 3, 2022 at 1:08 pm

    > The problem with foreign intelligence agencies having the goods on our corrupt and TRAITOROUS politicians is that they seem to hold on to the info for their own blackmail purposes. It’s time for everyone to put their cards on the table.

    Julian Assange still unavailable for comment.

  18. @Brad March 3, 2022 at 1:04 pm

    > ^^^^ Yea, just like we do. Try and think will you.

    OK. I’ll try.

    Are you saying The United States doesn’t have international… what are “we” calling it? Today? Socialism? Communism? Progressivism?

    Are you saying Russia still has international… what ever “we’re” calling it? Today?

    Or are you saying that The United States didn’t save the dream of international… ism… from being put in the dustbin of history? Last century.

  19. @Kcir March 3, 2022 at 1:18 pm

    > Anonymous, (the one that is a jackass)

    I’ve been called that, before…

    @Anonymous March 3, 2022 at 1:26 pm

    > By the way don’t EVER call me a jackass

    OK. Maybe not me.

    But, as long as I’m besmirching our bad name…

    > Russian intelligence invaded the West’s Universities and created Jackasses like you.
    > Better, worse or equal, they have accomplished many of what their goals were since the 50’s.

    Define “their”. Oh… wait… the 1950’s?

    Why? How? Could? The Soviet Union “invade” the “deep thoughts”, of the West? In the 1950’s?
    (not rhetorical, not snark)

  20. I wrote it & I don’t even know! No, not me, I don’t even know what his prior comment was about, aka before Brad’s 1:04pm, but you gave a nod.
    I will agree he/it’s gibberish. Who am I, the Russian gay bot.

  21. Anonymous (the one that is a jackass)

    From about 12:555 PM to about 3:42PM your typing/arguments seem to have “Lawn darted” & Become unintelligible.
    Just what the hell kind of pills are you mixing with Pharmacy Vodka?

  22. To the only Biden lovin cok choker on this thread.

    Russia: savior of the west
    Ukraine: tranny lovin’ money launderin’ bio weapons labs havin’coup instigators.

    Deez are the real facts.

    I charge rent.


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