The Sad Fate Of The Kid Who Became Famous For Shooting His Marshmallow Cannon With President Obama – IOTW Report

The Sad Fate Of The Kid Who Became Famous For Shooting His Marshmallow Cannon With President Obama

DailyCaller: The 14-year-old student who became famous after he dazzled President Barack Obama with his homemade marshmallow cannon is now a 20-year-old adult battling schizophrenia.

The marshmallow cannon engineer, Joe Hudy, impressed Obama at White House Science Fair in February 2012 by using his “Extreme Marshmallow Cannon” to shoot marshmallows across the State Dining Room. The then-eighth-grade student’s pressurized air gun was capable of launching marshmallows up to 175 feet—over half a football field.

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21 Comments on The Sad Fate Of The Kid Who Became Famous For Shooting His Marshmallow Cannon With President Obama

  1. Very sad. Schizophrenia destroys so much. The medicines used to treat it almost turn sufferers into zombies, which is why so stop taking their med, periodically.

    My prayers are with him.

    (I wonder if he caught it from Obama?)

  2. If you drill down into the case you find that the family’s health insurance company is paying for treatment, but are refusing to pay ~$25k/mo for room and board etc at a boutique treatment facility in Tennessee and the family is going hat in hand looking for donations to fund what looks to me to possibly be an extravagance.

  3. Hudy’s parents say their son is getting full-time residential care now in Tennessee. It’s not cheap — it costs over $25,000 a month and the insurance company isn’t covering much.

    “They don’t feel he needs to be in that level of care. So, they are not willing to pay for the room and board portion of his care. They’re willing to pay for the doctor treatment but not for the residential treatment,” said Victor Hudy, Joey’s father.

    “The insurance company want to push you into an outpatient treatment center, instead of having them in a secure environment where they can be checked on every 15 minutes and if they’re having trouble. There is always someone there to help them,” said Julie Hudy.

  4. 1. The guy needs to enroll in Obama care, good psych benes, his deductible will be met bigly and fastly.

    2. If he is inpatient and still needs 15 minute checks the doc there is not treating him properly. The guy needs drugs, not boutique treatment where the incentive is to prolong “treatment” for the facility’s income.

    3. With proper treatment he should be able to be stabilized and live with his parents or a relative and continue out patient treatment.

    4. I didn’t need to go to the link because boutique treatment with 25k room and board is ridiculous. Obviously the facility does not intend to stabilize him any time soon. There are inpatient facilities that his obamacare will totally cover. Plus the guy needs a social worker to pull in every bene available, possibly Medicaid instead of obamacare.

    5. I know this because I am smarter than the parents and the people donating money. Trust me on this. The parents are under the influence of manipulators and poseurs.

  5. Yea it’s a sad story and all but I agree the costs associated appear by choice, they want filet mignon cooked by the best chef, the insurance buys the meat cook it yourself.

  6. I know that this is insensitive but “schizophrenia” is in fact, a bullshit disease. Recent medical professionals have come out and said that “multiple personalities” is not real.

    All this is political victim science.

  7. There is a fine line between genius and insanity, they say.
    Naturopathic physicians claim a 35% success rate treating Schizophrenia with a gluten free diet and 3000 mg of Niacin daily. Might as well give it a try, they’ve got nothing to lose by it.

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