The Sad Tale of Victor Sibson – IOTW Report

The Sad Tale of Victor Sibson

21-year-old Alaskan, Victor Sibson, put a pistol to his head and pulled the trigger. The bullet passed through his skull and struck his girlfriend, Brittanymae Haag. Victor survived to be charged yesterday with 2nd-degree murder.


17 Comments on The Sad Tale of Victor Sibson

  1. Nothing in his head to slow down the bullet… ?

    My wife, a nurse, once had to care for a guy who tried to commit suicide but ended up just blowing his eyes out.

    Life’s a bitch when you can’t even properly qualify for a Darwin award.

  2. Its like what the Democrat party offered with a Hillary POTUS. The party would have thrived via cronyism but the Republic would have been dealt a death blow.

    Lucky for us the bullet stayed in the Democrat party’s head and just bounced around.

  3. Insert Gabby Gifford joke here?

    I knew an ER doctor who had a Carry permit. Her ER experience with all manner of gunshot wounds, including attempted suicides, led her to trade in ALL her various 9mm’s and .380’s, as well as her .38 Special +P.
    She concluded that nothing less than a .40 JHP or .45 JHP could be relied on for self defense.
    The smaller calibers, and FMJs generally, made serious wounds but not fatal, and often not even disabling.
    One guy walked into the ER, on his own, with four different .380 shots to the torso. Turned out he had been in a gang shooting, then pedaled his bicycle about 3 miles to the hospital.

  4. If there is a next time, use a 1911 auto- load one round from the magazine, stick the barrel in your mouth, squeeze the trigger. The success rate is 100%. That is the good news, the bad news is you have made a decision which cannot be changed for eternity.You are not going to like where you end up. It is awful hot and rhymes with swell.

  5. Many years ago when I worked in the ER, a young man was brought in who had committed suicide per shotgun to the mouth.
    I will not attempt to describe the results, other than to say it was extremely effective.

    (BTW, my alias is merely a coincidence.)

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