The Secret Core Tenet Of Islam Apologists For Jihad Don’t Want You To Know – IOTW Report

The Secret Core Tenet Of Islam Apologists For Jihad Don’t Want You To Know

Guest post by Christopher J. Green-

During the last week of July 2016, France and Germany became the latest countries to be blighted by savage acts of Islamic jihad. Devout mujahideen waging jihad for Allah brought violence and slaughter to Nice, Munich, and core tenet islamNormandy. A total of 93 people were murdered. And were it not for suspicious security staff on duty at a music festival in Ansbach, Germany, the death toll would’ve been far higher. They refused entry to a soldier of Allah who subsequently self-detonated killing only himself.

As happens with infuriating predictability, the elites yet again abandoned their duty to protect their people and resorted to ridiculous lengths to deny these vile attacks had anything to do with Islam, the religion of peace. Even the head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis, joined in with the absurd denials, claiming it was wrong toequate Islam with violence.

Is this wretched dhimmi aware that Christians are being persecuted by Muslims throughout the Islamic world? Perhaps he should try preaching his ignorant platitudes to Muslims and Islamic clerics? He hasn’t got the guts to do that though so he points the finger of blame at those who dare to state the unpleasant truth about Islam.

His ignorance is quite staggering! The inconvenient truth is there are three core tenets of Islam that prove the pope is talking through his sanctimonious mitre. Let’s just focus on one of them, a core tenet very few unbelievers are aware of and one that will never be mentioned by lying politicians, the duplicitous media or dhimmi Christian leaders like Papa Frank.

Worship is fundamental to all major religions but this doesn’t mean all religions worship their Deities in the same way. When it comes to Islam, the meaning of worship is drastically different to any other faith.

In Judaism and Christianity for example, worship involves going to the synagogue or church and praying to God. It can involve singing hymns or songs, rituals such as Holy Communion or baptism, listening to religious teachings and lighting candles. Worship can also involve charity and events such as church fetes and other community activities. Even showing love to your fellow man is deemed as giving glory to God.

All of these can also apply to Islam. But worship goes way, way beyond them.

In Islam, worship – ibadah – is solely for Allah and worship of other Gods is strictly forbidden. Ascribing parties to Allah is polytheism – shirk – a terrible sin. People who commit this sin are polytheists – Mushrikun in Islam – and this sin is punishable by death. Christians are guilty of shirk as are Hindus.

The prophet of Islam Muhammad made this clear:

 “None has the right to be worshipped but Allah”Qur’an, surah 3 ayat 19

So, there is no other religion acknowledged or accepted in Islam. Disbelief – fitnah – is the worst sin anyone can be guilty of in Islam. In Islam, unbelievers are referred to as infidels or the pejorative kuffar. Muslims who reject the faith – apostates – face punishment by death.

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4 Comments on The Secret Core Tenet Of Islam Apologists For Jihad Don’t Want You To Know

  1. I didn’t know that in that much detail –thanks!– but I knew it in general.
    Which is why I will never ever trust a muzzie, a quoranderthal, a quoranimal, or a politician.

  2. The cover story of ‘all religions have extremists’ is always promoted every time there is an attack. The MSM carts out experts talking about how this isn’t Islam, all religions have extremists, we can’t blame Islam which is so peaceful etc. And low information liberals repeat that back while calling everyone that agrees to limit Muslim immigration Islamaphobes. I can guarantee you if a Christian or Jew committed any of these crimes screaming God is Great we’d never hear the end of it. Churches and/or Synagogues would be raided and surveilled. They might lose special tax status etc. It is a denial of reality that is eventually going to cause the end of Western Civilization.

  3. The Koran is not like the Bible. The Koran is the literal word of Allah whereas the Bible is the inspired Word of God. For a Muslim, the Koran is holy, the words are holy, the pages are holy, the cover is holy.

    Treat a copy of the Koran in a disrespectful manner and you can get killed for it.

    The Bible? Way different. The concepts are important because you are important to God, not the paper on which these concepts are printed. It is a story of the power of Redemption, not submission.

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