The Secret of Dr. Nim – IOTW Report

The Secret of Dr. Nim

There’s a separate branch of mathematics dedicated to figuring out how to play the unbeatable game of NIM (that’s WIN turned upside down). There was even a children’s game created in the 60s that used a series of levels to give you a chance to play against the diabolically clever Dr. Nim.

Matt Parker shows you how the game works so you too can take money off of strangers and win this simple bar game every time. Here 

You can buy a new version of the game Here

5 Comments on The Secret of Dr. Nim

  1. Who is the Beta Brit making wise cracks about “wholesome families with gunnnns in the back round?”

    EFF him. Might be ‘smart’ but certainly NOT wise.


  2. Went a bit deeper into the new game’s web site and ran across this.
    “Why is it impossible to spin your right foot clockwise, while you draw a 6 in the air with your right hand?”

    Those guys have too much time on the hands.


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