Judicial Watch has been granted discovery on their case which charges that Hillary used her private server as an end-around and evasion of FOIA.
Here is Robby Mook trying to explain this latest development away as a “right-wing conspiracy.” —>
ht/ PT
You throw the right wing in
you pull the left wing out
You throw the right wing in
And you shake it all about
You do the hokey pokey
And you turn youself around
That what it all about.
Breaking NEWS October 26, 2036 – Hillary Clinton’s 88th birthday – still under investigation…. blah blah blah
A suspicious person might wonder if significant ‘donations’ were made to Clinton Foundation subsidiaries, conveniently located in countries with lax disclosure laws, every time desired classified information found its way onto Hillary’s well-hacked private server.
According to Websters:
a stupid or incompetent person.
Watch out for her guys in the Chinese mafia if she starts to feel like a cornered rat.
Good to hear about this.
His name is really Mook? That was a dis word an old friend of mine used to use on the handball courts. As in, “nice shot ya mook.” (he was from Brooklyn) He’d get a kick of that if he was still alive.
Obviously his name fits both his bullshit and his most punchable face. So Is Comey gonna pull the trigger or not?
Read the brief linked inthe article It will make your day. Bitch is toast. Her testimony will be released by Judicialwatch.
News of my indictment has been vastly exaggerated … so long as Barry’s ass is on the griddle with mine, I’m home free!
Fuck you peons!
Hilary won’t make it to June.
Nervous Breakdown. Any takers?