The ‘Sexy’ Mister Rogers Costume – IOTW Report

The ‘Sexy’ Mister Rogers Costume

Yandy, a company best known for making women’s lingerie, swimwear, dresses and costumes has unveiled a version of the classic Mister Rogers outfit that leaves very little to imagine for the Kingdom of Make Believe.

29 Comments on The ‘Sexy’ Mister Rogers Costume

  1. Finally! Elizabeth Warren gets a fashion design (cardigan sweater) that she can wear… All except for filling out the boobie parts. But those hot pants on a 70 woman… cant wait!

  2. I feel particularly dense tonight. I just don’t get it.
    If attractive women wearing somewhat suggestive clothing, naughty school girl stuff, was presented without the Mr. Rogers reference, the association would not have been made by me.

    What am I missing?

  3. Last year I wanted to attend a costume party dressed as a pull toy – buck naked wearing roller skates. My wife vetoed the idea. She was gentle with my feelings and didn’t point out some of my idea’s shortcomings.

  4. I haven’t worn a Halloween costume since about 1982… but about four years ago on October 31st a woman tried to pull off my handlebar mustache. She screamed, her eyes welled up in tears, and she said, “Oh Jesus Christ it’s not fake! I’m so sorry!”

    My eyes welled up with tears, too. But I couldn’t help but laugh.

  5. Note to self don’t go to Cherrybark’s dress up parties if the theme is toys.
    I bet she more than vetoed that idea, I bet she made you stay home and hand out candy.


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