The Shameless FBI – IOTW Report

12 Comments on The Shameless FBI

  1. Now we know why the FBI aren’t really investigating Hillary’s breach of National Security information, Lying under oath, obstruction of Justice, all the illegal pay to play money she raked in for selling influence, appointments and government no-bid contracts and her illegal Foundation.

    The FBI is concentrating on Porn stings and Brad Pitt disciplining his children. Now those are National security, fraud and safety issues the FBI excels in.

    It’s similar to Homeland security and ICE releasing known murderers and violent gang members who are illegal immigrants, not vetting radical Islamic refugees, but still frisk airline passengers, take nail files, cigarette lighters and opened shampoo bottles from passengers.

    Homeland security, ICE, Comey, FBI and DOJ are compromised to the point of being ineffective, complicit, inept and comical (if it weren’t serious).

  2. Uummmm……What FedGov laws did Angelina break that she should be interrogated by the FiBbIes? I thought the divorce, child custody, etc were a state civil case.

  3. Angelina smells much better than Hillary.

    Angelina wears expensive perfume like Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes at $6,800 per ounce

    Hillary wears the sweat of unrealized ambition and greed like Parfume de Crotch Vinaigre at a lifetime of lies and envy.

  4. This is why cops set up speed traps instead of catching criminals.

    It’s easier, less risky, and pays better.

    Remember Janet Reno braying about busting an illegal Cuban cigar ring? And at the same presser bragging about shutting down a freon (R-12) smuggling operation?

    Can’t catch a fukkin rabidly corrupt traitor, though.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. As a young fella I always dreamed of being an FBI Agent. But I also
    wanted to join the British Navy, The Irish Army, The French Foreign Legion, anything to get to fuck out of school. My Dad, God Bless him, put a stop to all my dreams. I did, however, manage to escape to America. But the FBI was out of my reach. You had to have a college degree in law or economics, and have an upstanding character to be considered for “The Bureau.” I believe I had the Character, but not the degrees. So I settled for another life in which I did pretty good. But lately the FBI have let me down. I’m sorry to say. I’ll let it go at that.

  6. Tommy,
    A lot of us wanted to be in “The Bureau” or be James Bond; patriots, who defend our nations, in particular, and civilization, in general.
    But alas, “The Bureau’s” integrity is as fictional as James Bond – from the manufacture of evidence by the vaunted FBI labs to politically motivated, slipshod “investigations” of public figures intended to shift suspicion.

    izlamo delenda est …

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