The Shift Is On – IOTW Report

The Shift Is On

Sundance at CTH has noted that the Obama syndicate has begun relinquishing control of the Biden regime. The key players positioned in centers of government power have been quietly vacating their seats and disappearing back into the swampy depths. They appear to be leaving the shriveled carcass of the Biden crime family for the Clinton outfit to try to extract what revenue that may remain for themselves. Here

Even Devin Nunes has noted the withdraw of the puppet master’s minions, cutting the strings and leaving the remnants of the Punch and Judy show that was the Biden Administration to their fate. Here

14 Comments on The Shift Is On

  1. This only means that the criminal element is changing horses. We still have a diabolically evil organization of TRAITOROUS BASTARDS that ultimately have to be brought to justice! Watching it happen is a bad plan.

  2. The chicken-shit, cowardly Obutthole regime has ALWAYS operated from behind the scenes so as to appear innocent of the dastardly, despicable, rancid bullshit they force upon the American people.

    FUCK the Obamas and EVERYTHING they stand for.

  3. By drawing away the set moochelle up to candidate as the first (woo)man president by giving he(r) deniability with Joey B.

    Make no mistake Obama will not go gently into that night.

  4. They know the gig is up and Biden is going to be impeached. I don’t really care at this pint in the game, there’s no going back to civility. We’re screwed – only world wide disaster of epic proportions will level the playing field again. Rinse and repeat. Not by flood but by fire.

  5. I await patiently my opportunity to urinate on oBola’s grave. My children know why I detest him so.

    I will never forget, or forgive, the LEGIONS of his trespasses on ALL humanity.

    I cannot fathom what God has in store for him.


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