The Shining Citizens… – IOTW Report

The Shining Citizens…

33 Comments on The Shining Citizens…

  1. V4 nations need U.S. protection from the E.U. Arm them, secure border walls, deport invaders, allow the rest of Europe to fall into terorism and darkness if they want. Other nations will follow to become V5 nations, V6, until the only countries left in the E.U. are ridiculous France, and immigrant-loving Italy.

  2. Billy Fuster, being a small business man with a small number of employees I’m kind of stuck with a level of compliance. This shining citizen has to play the game for a while yet. Now if you were to send a reasonable amount of money, under the table of course, that would keep me at a lifestyle that I’m accompanied to I would be proud to go under the radar.

  3. @joe6pak June 21, 2017 at 7:04 pm

    So, as long as no one’s willing to pay you more to be less corrupt, you’re as honest as can be? Deplorables! I think we’ve found The Democratic Party’s, 2020 nominee, for President of The United States! Someone with the bona fides to make the deplorables reach around the aisle, while making The Progressive bag men open their wallets! Now, if only he’ll put on a dress, and call himself a woman. Let’s start the bidding.

  4. Brad, I was thinking the same thing. I’ve fallen for jokes in the past, this might be another. The worst was a buddy that pretented to be a potential customer in Thailand, and that she was going to fly over with her brother and kick my ass. So I fired off some faxes (years ago) back to this poor lady that had nothing to do with this and let het know that I couldn’t stop her from coming, but I would damn sure break her of the habit. She probably thought I was the craziest SOB she ever heard of.

  5. Had a person threaten to kick my ass, but he said he didn’t have the money to drive to Illinois. I mailed him a check for $50.00 with my return address and directions. He cashed the check but never showed up. Five years ago we moved to his home town, my brother gave him my address, he still hasn’t shown up.
    Some people are just full of …. themselves.

  6. joe6pak

    I think you can write this one off to random asshole. I find one of the most interesting things about IOTW is the lefty retards that seem to just wonder in. UNINVITED.

  7. Wonderful variation on a theme. Great reminder of Mr. Reagan’s speech inspired by The Holy Bible;
    KJV-Matthew 5:
    13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
    14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.
    15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.
    16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
    This scripture is a mandate for those who know Christ so that others are aware of the Gospel.

  8. Pray for Trump and support him for the sake of our nation. The world around us is messed up. The globalist are reaching for a one world government. It cannot work and cultures are clashing. We needed a man LIKE Trump who is not from the politically powerful elites. I believe God chose Trump at this time in history to fight the darkness of the left. We’re reaching a boiling point.

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