The Shoe is the Sign! – Life of Brian – IOTW Report

The Shoe is the Sign! – Life of Brian

99th Squad Leader says-

Femi-nitwit, socialist tool, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is attempting to set a fashion statement. She has donated her “schtruggle shoes” to the Cornell Costume Collection(?).

Leave it to a socialist to try to redefine fashion based on hypocrisy.

So, how do $625 Monolo Blahnik shoes fit into the definition of fashionable socialism Mz.Ocasio-Cortez?


The Shoe – The Life of Brian

22 Comments on The Shoe is the Sign! – Life of Brian

  1. Am I supposed to think she is soooo dedicated to her constituents that she would walk around in worn out shoes?
    I see it as she doesn’t deserve to represent me in congress because she is too stupid to buy a new pair of shoes.

  2. Someone should tell her the shoe thing is old and tired. Out here in the Soviet Socialist Utopia of Washington, we have THE tennis shoe Senator. The newbee Corkscrew-Cortex can’t hold a candle to her.

  3. Life of Brian is one of the funniest, and most misunderstood films I have ever seen. The Pythons took the premise of form over function, applied it to religion, and sent it over the top. The movie didn’t lampoon religion – it lampooned the fact that symbolic, ancillary and tangential aspects of any religion often overshadow the basic tenents of that religion.

    It’s also the best metaphore for modern liberalism in an long while. Liberalism devotes itself to symbolic, tangential and ancillary things like “I am compassionate” or “I care,” and ignores the failed history of the leftist movements and the enormous damage they have caused to various societies. Leftists should venerate Ocasio-Cortez’ shoes because this is the only concrete thing this loon will contribute to a healthy functioning society.

  4. @UncleAl. When i first watched it i presumed it would insult me but after about 4 minutes i realized they werent mocking Christ but religions followers.

    Then there was the Peoples front of Judea, the Judean Peoples Front, the Popular Judean Front (one member).

    “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life” Monty Python at its best.

    High brow humor that appeals to the lowest brow.

  5. When we first watched The Life Of Brian the first time my wife lost it laughing so hard when they opened that upper door and showed Graham Chapman doing the full Monty totally buck naked, it was hysterical. Monty Python movies as well as Mel Brooks movies couldn’t be made today as the humor would totally be lost by snowflakes with no sense of humor except for vulgar crap they try to pass off as funny which it is not.

  6. Mz. Occasionally-Conscious, a moron creates an oxymoron by associating fashion – a profit making enterprise, with an ideology that is a completely opposed to free market capitalism.
    Just another way for socialists to propogandize their twisted Statist concepts.

  7. “The Life of Brian” is hilarious. Took me a while to realize it’s a satire about religious dogma and socialism. That “shoe” clip is the best – very apropos. LOL!


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