The Showdown is Afoot – Dems Block Gorsuch – IOTW Report

The Showdown is Afoot – Dems Block Gorsuch

Nuclear option, here we go.


Democrats successfully blocked Judge Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court from advancing in the U.S. Senate on Thursday, sparking what is expected to be a bitter clash with Republicans over how the chamber confirms high court nominees.

Gorsuch failed to earn the 60 votes needed to end debate on his nomination. In response, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has vowed he will change Senate rules in order to confirm Gorsuch and all future Supreme Court nominees with a simple majority vote.

A final confirmation vote on Gorsuch is not scheduled until Friday, when 52 Republicans and at least three Democrats — from states won by Trump in last year’s election — are expected to vote to have him replace the late Antonin Scalia on the high court.

18 Comments on The Showdown is Afoot – Dems Block Gorsuch

  1. Bitter clash? Remove the 60-vote cloture requirement, confirm the nominee. The losers can spend as much time in front of the cameras as they want, all they will do is create more defectors from their party. No need for the GOP side to be bitter.

  2. There is so much serious cleanup WORK to do, WGAF if these precious senators get their panties in a bunch? Their own ‘courteous’ rules have hogtied them.

    What does the law say? What are the country’s urgent needs? What will improve our dismal situations (pick any one)? What will break gridlock and yield results?

    These are the questions the “journalists” and bureaucrats should be obsessed with; even the liberals know that we are on a trend to oblivion that needs to be reversed.

  3. Let’s all quit playing the red team v blue team BS. Those designations have become meaningless long ago: was ANY Bush a conservative aka ‘republican’?

    Judge all politicians by their Agenda and their Effectiveness. Grade them and educate the voters. Thus, reward the good ones and remove the bad ones.

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