Patriot Retort:
Somebody really should clue the 2020 Democrats in that they are running to be Chief Executive of a Constitutional Republic and not vying to be Dictator of the Soviet Socialist States of America.
I said yesterday that the CNN marathon townhall on the Climate Catastrophe was a monumentally stupid — dare I say catastrophic — move for the Democrats. All of them let their inner dictator emerge before a live television audience.
Okay, not an especially large television audience to be sure. But video clips of this Campaign Catastrophe are being widely shared on social media. And none of the Democrats come out looking very good.
Of course, since Leftists always push too hard and too far, these dummies mistook the townhall as a momentum-building mandate to double and triple down on their dictatorial edicts.
Chief among them (no pun intended) was the shrillest dictator of them all, Elizabeth Warren.
Lizzie in a tizzy reminds all men of the worst stereotype version of a hateful strident women. Like Hildebeast she is a shrill harpy from the bowels of hell shrieking hatred towards all things American.
She is a visible reminder of every mean, lecturing 3rd grade teacher or mother in law and her grating, screechy feminazi personality, voice, and mannerisms are as off putting as Hellery.
The Left: The Right want to take away the rights of Blacks, Gays, Women, (insert protected class here). We want to take the rights away from everyone. We’re better, we don’t discriminate
Liz Warren, Free Screech advocate. I can’t listen to 10 seconds of her.
“… not vying to be Dictator of the Soviet Socialist States of America.”
Wanna bet?
They are all wannabe Grossfuhrer Obola (Great Leader Obama) in waiting.
Understudies to Mugabe, Qaddafi, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini.
They want to continue to “fundamentally change America” into a totalitarian dictatorship: impoverished through Enviro-Nazi-ism, plundered by “socialist” plutocrats, polluted by perversion, disarmed through perfidy, and demoralized by constant immersion in their sick agit-prop.
izlamo delenda est …
CNN is a joke.
Trump needs to shut that network down and imprison it’s executives.
That’s what the great Abe Lincoln did. And he’s a hero.
Tin ear, Tin voice, Tin platform, Tin Lizzie.
Go suck on a nuther beer Bitch!
The party that wants to force their behavior upon you, and take everything else away from you
She sounds like an unhinged kindergarten teacher
I hope she wins the Nomination and drags Bernie along
I want to see a 50 state landslide for Mr. Trump
Then I will hang out my shingle as a Psychologist and get paid gobs of money talking Lefties down off the edge
@ Whitey White,
Hell no, they have 1st amendment rights as well. By all means, let them ramble on. Who do you think we are Faceshnook or Twatter?
@ Mithandir,
“The party that wants to force their behavior upon you, and take everything else away from you.”
Sounds eerily like some death cult religion. Oh wait…..
@whitey white.
Are you kidding? CNN is providing, free of charge, every soundbite necessary to engineer the democrats humiliating defeat next year.
I can hardly wait for the LGBTQWERTY debate.
As the great Chris Plante says, “everything the left hasn’t banned they want to make mandatory.”
Also, these people should be wearing arm bands with insignia so as to better identify themselves.
With this line-up of loony leftists, we can expect another ocean of tears, banshee screeching, and tearing out of hair when Nov. 2020 rolls around.
Lazlo, get your money up front, then tell ’em to go get in line at ‘Lemming Ridge’.
The Dems think the average voter is stupid. “They’re so stupid they fall for what I say and vote for me. Therefore they need someone superior (like me) to take care of them”.
This country elected Obama. Twice.
I am not convinced that they are anything other than stupid.
The question is who blacks would be excited to vote for and the answer is none of them.
Fauxcahontas is Hillary Clinton – without the charm…
What a sick, scary fuck.
Cisco…lizzie in a tizzie…priceless.