The Silence of the Media Sheep – IOTW Report

The Silence of the Media Sheep

The Federalist

We’re now three weeks from the press hounding Biden out of the race because they looked like fools for defending years of video clips showing him stumbling around on the international stage non compos mentis. And with no remorse or self-awareness, the media are already back to doing everything they can to serve Democrats’ narrative.

What this means in practice is that, unlike a traditional presidential campaign, there’s been virtually no discussion of actual issues such as the economy, immigration, education, taxes, health care, foreign policy, and so on. The last four years have been pretty disastrous. As a result, if this campaign becomes about issues and what’s happened under the Biden-Harris presidency, Trump is going to benefit greatly from that discussion. So the press won’t let it happen. More

5 Comments on The Silence of the Media Sheep

  1. reminds me of the new age, psychics, televangelists healers, cults, mystics of the 80s. people would not and could not bear the truth. much more secure in the lie or deceit. i do believe when large groups of humans are of one mind, things happen. hopefully we still have our pocketbook when its all over. good, bad or indifferent.

  2. I can understand if people want to support Harris because of their irrational hatred of Trump. Some people are just like that. But I cannot possibly comprehend someone supporting Harris on policy, substance, or anything else that sane people look for in a candidate.

  3. Irate Nate, I think it is because any Democrat gets the benefit of the disconnect between their policies and the results of their policies, and their media has done that by the constant, repetitive and purposeful blaming of Republicans for everything bad which happens and the steadfast refusal to give any Republican credit for good outcomes. It’s a crude and simple ON/OFF. switch, but it works quite well on a large group of people who are focused on day to day living, and have neither the time nor patience to sift through bullshit fro nuggets of truth.

    And yet somehow, their big switch has been glitching, to the point that they first have to rig elections, and now have to kill their opposition. And if none of that works, they’ll have to punish us for their noticing their failure, in spite of everything they’ve done to hide it and deflect it.

    So no, they are deathly afraid of any talk about substance and policy during the brief moments when control of those things is up for grabs, but after they’ve safely retained their grip on the switch, they be glad to tell you what’s what through their media machine.


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