The Skittles Issue: Hey Left, Call Off Your Programmed SJWs, They’re Just Making You Look Even Dumber – IOTW Report

The Skittles Issue: Hey Left, Call Off Your Programmed SJWs, They’re Just Making You Look Even Dumber

Skittles tried to do what they thought was a good thing for the LBJ ∑µ ©ommunity. They shouldn’t have. The left is largely a group of losers who wake up in the morning looking for a grievance to tweet about.

In honor of gay pride (wtf is there to be so proud of?) Skittles developed an oddball campaign where they removed the rainbow from their product so gays could have center stage.. or something like that.

They’re selling an all-white candy in black and white packaging.

What did the retarded (retarded in the classic sense of the word) SJWs say?

You guessed it— THAT’S RACIST.

Even the queers at Huffpo are rolling their eyes.

One guy actually says, “I sorta see where the right is coming from when the left does this.”

Ya think??

Jay Leno has a great story where he sets it up and then explodes in exasperation when he gets to the end.

He was talking about kids today, and how they’ve been indoctrinated into unthinking kneejerk jerks.

His interns asked him what he wanted for lunch and they made suggestions. One said, “how about Mexican food?”

Leno said, “I don’t like Mexican food.”

The kid said, “wow, that’s pretty racist.”

Leno explodes, “that’s not racism, you moron! What the hell is wrong with you!!??!!!”

That’s how I feel all day, like I need to explode on the left because they are that friggin’ stupid.

12 Comments on The Skittles Issue: Hey Left, Call Off Your Programmed SJWs, They’re Just Making You Look Even Dumber

  1. Slow down, you phuckas are killing me belly with laughter!

    Could somebody send me a package of white racist skittles please? Too
    bad they didn’t put a pointy white hat on them too…..

  2. Oh God, Illustr8r, the 70s had some depressing aspects to it and the whole generic thing was a part of it.

    I saw that as just another attempt at downgrading America. By the end of the 70s muscles cars (using term loosely here) were limited to the high-end market. Wasn’t the Chevette just awesome? And yet, my `77 Datsun B210+ would get 42 mpg hwy and 33 in the city (listed as 50/39}. I would have sworn we would be getting over 50 mpg by now. What happened?

    We were told we were at peak production of oil – there wasn’t any more to be had! The sky is falling! You must drive small under powered cars to save the Earth!

    Also, Carter tried to make us more like Europe in many ways. Pushing the metric system was one of them. He was aggravating and frustrating back then. Much like O was.

    The 80s were a breath of fresh air compared to what the left was pulling on us in the 70s.

    As for these limited run Skittles – I’ll take a case. They are an oddity. Could be a buyer out there in the future willing to pay a little profit.

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