The smartest guy Joe knows – IOTW Report

The smartest guy Joe knows

4 Comments on The smartest guy Joe knows

  1. So, if Joe leaves (you know, the thing), you get The Mattress and The Botox.

    If you take out the Mattress, (besides fleas) you get The Botox and Thunder Thighs.

    If you remove The Botox (body collapses), you get Thunder Thighs and Big Mike.

    If you eliminated Thunder Thighs, you’d get Arkancided and Big Mike moves up.

    And with Big Mike, you actually have Obomba, U.S. Premier for life!

    End of fundamental transformation of America.

  2. No wonder the Country is collapsing. Humper is the second most powerful man in the Biden Catastrophe. He’s just about recovered from all the trauma of being the non-deceased son; consoling his sister-in-law; and losing out on that big Chinese deal when that damned Laptop from Hell comes back to tarnish his reputation. It’s a good thing Humper’s Daddy is so understanding, since a Presidential* Pardon seems like a fitting reward for all that good advice.


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