The Smartest Man Joe Knows Called The First Lady a Moron – IOTW Report

The Smartest Man Joe Knows Called The First Lady a Moron

So, it’s official. When the smartest man the President knows calls someone a moron, we should believe him.

It didn’t end with that insult. He also called her a c**t.

NY Post

Hunter Biden called his step-mom Jill Biden a “vindictive moron” and “entitled c–t” in text messages after she urged him to go to rehab to kick his drug habit, according to a new report.

President Biden’s 52-year-old druggie son made the remarks in a string of text messages that he sent in 2018 as he family were rallying to get him help, The Sun reported.

In one particular text sent to his brother Beau’s widow, Hallie Biden, who he was scandalously dating at the time, Hunter went off on the now first lady.

“F–k my stepmother for always being as much of a selfish silly entitled c–t as you,” he wrote to Hallie as their brief relationship deteriorated.

He also admitted to calling his stepmom a “f–king moron, a vindictive moron” in a separate text exchange with his uncle, James Biden, just days later.


16 Comments on The Smartest Man Joe Knows Called The First Lady a Moron

  1. Not that I disagree with Prince Scumbag’s assessment of his step-mom, but he’s filthy rich for doing virtually nothing and is so stupid that he repeatedly videos himself committing felonies then lets them leak out in public.

  2. The entire Biden family is like a terrible reality television show. But, this is really happening to real people who are feeling the effects of these feckless morons. Idiot Hunter is right about one thing though, his step-mother is a cunt. Even in a crack induced haze, he can see her for what she is.

  3. The first time I was aware of Joe F. Biden was about 40+ yrs. ago. He was on the nightly news bragging to some reporter about his high I.Q. and his graduating at the top of his law school, blah, blah.

    So little Brandon does the same shit with step mommie dearest. What a dysfunctional bunch of rubes.

  4. @Redcat 66 July 8, 2022 at 9:59 pm

    > Idiot Hunter is right about one thing though, his step-mother is a cunt.

    It (profoundly) comments on hoi polloi’s plight. That the “offense” is “she’s a cunt”. Not “we’re being ruled by (en-titled, dr.) morons”.


  5. Hilarious. Most have already acknowledged that fact about the shriveled dowdy greedy money-grubbing hanger-on “stepmother” and that entire uncouth vulgar family.

  6. Well, she married the Turnip…

    He actually sounded Dumber back then.

    Now he gets tired faster & does not have as much time in front of the camera to make an ASS of himself.
    As well, everyone is helping to hide his Mental deterioration now.

  7. Inquiring minds want to know, did Hunter bang stepmom? Or try? Certainly not out of the realm of ‘no shit, whadda you think?’ Why are the Bidens so concerned about relative smartness? Insecurity? On a personal level I just cruise around knowing I’m the smartest slice in the loaf and don’t bring it up at all.

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