The Smollett Case is Deep, Political and is a Major Theater in the War with Progressives – IOTW Report

The Smollett Case is Deep, Political and is a Major Theater in the War with Progressives

Black Jesus was always, at his core, a racially obsessed community organizer. He employed 2 black attorney generals that were also political animals, not law and order types, never constitutionalists.

If the New Black Panthers could stand at polling stations on election day with billy clubs and jackboots, with nothing happening to them, one could understand what hurdles the Chicago police are facing. They are up against a political machine that would like nothing more than their police force to be as racially biased and politically motivated as they are, enforcing the laws unequally and “wokely.”

It is not absurd to suggest that one day a leftist black controlled city hall will be directing their law enforcement agencies to target straight, white conservatives only.

“Smolletts” will be given a pass at the street level.

Hyperbolic? Consider this-

AT –

Look at this, from Instapundit’s Glenn Reynolds:

It was always going to be a bad summer. But something happened the other day on the West Side that makes me think that old archetype of a sergeant may be right this time.

Authorities confirmed that two police officers — TAC cops, not rookies — were making a drug arrest shortly after 2 p.m. on Sunday.

A mob appeared, threatening the officers, surrounding them, threatening to reach for their own weapons to shoot them dead, and the cops let the suspect go.

What is learned here? The street is officially no longer afraid of the Chicago police.

If the cops had fired their weapons, news media would have been all over them, metaphorically skinning them alive. Politicians would have demanded their heads. Democratic presidential candidates, and the two campaigning for mayor, would have held repeated news conferences.

But this? Nothing.

I don’t see politicians convening blue ribbon panels of experts. I don’t see media bringing all the light they can bring to this.

The cops know they’re alone. That’s not a good prescription for what may come.

I’ve never heard of that before, of cops so intimidated during an arrest that they’d back off. And I wonder what message that sends, to cops, to the street, and what will come of it.


Do you think the supposed “white nationalists” could get away with such a thing? How can blacks?

Why is Smollett walking and getting away with claiming he was deemed innocent, without correction by the DA?

How can his lawyer start mouthing off that they are considering suing the police and Kim Foxx says nothing?

This is not good, for anyone.



21 Comments on The Smollett Case is Deep, Political and is a Major Theater in the War with Progressives

  1. Didn’t a Judge have to approve this deal? Did a Judge ever see it? I hope not, because if a Judge looked at this and approved it then he/she would be as culpable as the DA, ADA, Smollets, his lawyers and Michelle Obama’s representative who visited Foxx.

    I do hope the feds get involved and convene a secret Grand Jury to review the facts and conduct of the people involved to determine whether any federal laws were broken.

    I also hope that Trump has told his AG to make damn sure the postal investigation isn’t being tanked and will result in charges.

  2. Maybe it’s time to start embedding U.S. Marshalls within all these corrupted cities law enforcement agencies. They will not have to have their hands tied by the local politicos and they can deputize the trusted law enforcement officials within said cities making them also exempt from corruption within.

  3. The only rule the left follows is “the ends justify the means”. The ends is power, the means is “anything goes”. More and more of them are joining this mindset. That’s what social justice, community organizing, open borders, rules for radicals, “higher” education, the lying msm, etc. are all about. The left has become the borg and moves in unison. Until conservatives and liberty loving people realize this and stop playing by our self-imposed rules we will continue to lose on many fronts.

  4. You ask a question about whether the ‘white nationalists’ would be able to get away with such a thing. The answer is yes if the circumstances are the same. If a ‘mob’ of any kind approaches two police officers they are going to fear for their lives and do what they have to to survive.

    One could argue if ‘white nationalists’ would act in this way but that is a different discussion.

    What we have is a breakdown of society pretty much on all levels. i believe there are a few bad apples in the police ranks, as you would in any large organization, who taint the good officers with their stench. This, in turn, causes the media to get up in arms and fan the flames. This causes distrust of ALL LEO’s by the non-thinking, LOFO populace; a group that appears to be growing in numbers.

    The shooting in East Pittsburgh happened less than ten miles from my home. While watching the local news coverage My apolitical wife summed it up when she said ‘that’s what happens when you run from the police’.

    Yup. Don’t do stupid stuff or hang out with those who do and you won’t have to worry about being shot by LEO. That is the LAST thing they want to do anyway.

    If you DO do stupid stuff, don’t run. Be man (Or woman) enough to accept the consequences…….Oh who the f=ck am i kidding?!?!?!?!?!?!? In this day and age where it is ALWAYS someone else’s fault? Thanks for nothing, libtards.

  5. Hard to get away with this now. The same ole same ole College fix is in just ain’t gonna work right now. The Village People of America are seeing exactly how corrupt the democrat machine is. Hollywood, MSM and Democrats. The ROOT of a lot of Evil.

  6. Cops are in a delicate position (for the time being) where they know how to disperse a crowd but are hesitant to do so because they lack political backing in certain states and areas.
    Our Sheriff has no such doubt.
    We support him.
    He’s not a crook. He’s not a bully. He doesn’t employ crooks and/or bullies.

    Big city cops are the enemy. The LIPs are, basically, rat-people who support the criminals in their midsts – just as did the Scots, the Irish, the Jews, the Russians, and the Italians before them.

    When the totalitarians need the city cops to be their enforcers, that’s what they’ll do – enforce. Then they won’t run from crowds, but will fire into them – Napoleon came into his own by firing cannister into unarmed rioting Frenchmen – and the Frenchmen licked his fingers and made him Emperor!
    Everything has its season.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Every time something worth noting happened when Barry was in office it was buried by something sensational. Every time. And this turd sucker Smollet is another example of the same. Trump wins big and they bury it with tabloid news. But now the Pink Ballerina dances onstage for an encore while the Ticket Writers sing Foul, Foul from the bowels of Al Capone. It is the modus operandi of the Deep State, they are alive and well and we see them congratulating themselves. Guilty as sin, free as a bird, you suckers.
    May they all hang until they rot.

  8. Do you think the supposed “white nationalists” could get away with such a thing?

    From the couch? With no shoes? To tell “their” government how loyal they are? And offer them their wallets? And children?

    What would there be to “get away with”?

  9. Black run cities ditch lawful conduct to protect Blacks, always ready to accuse, condemn, and attack any White cops.
    “Nobody” Smollett hoax’s constant news coverage has been overblown to divert public attention AWAY from the felonies and treasonous acts of ex-President Obama that have been coming into the NOW light after Mueller. Obama’s criminal acts while in office and as coup comrade to overthrow Trump are now on the front burner being turned up high. Even Trump has him targeted. The “Nobody” hoax was scripted to be a failure for that very reason–it was so poorly done. And it gained so much traction from the Commie MSM which only promotes lies the best. If a real race war could have been started by the Obama Commies, the hoax would have been done by CIA/Pentagon black ops pros. They always use provocateurs to initiate the violence.

  10. “Black Jesus was always, at his core, a racially obsessed community organizer. He employed 2 black attorney generals that were also political animals, not law and order types, never constitutionalists.”

    No, no, NO!
    Not ‘at his core’, but in his entirety, his whole being is anti-USA.

    It’s time to depose W and Bubba, to inquire how much then know and how long they’ve known. Their his pals.
    This gibbering, chooming idiot punk couldn’t waltz into the Oval Office without the red carpet being laid out for him.

  11. The coming civil war is upon us, the one that the Black Jesus and his minions have pushed so hard for. Many scores will be settled and much blood will be spilt. Some of us have been seeing it coming and have prepared. Are you prepared? If not, you had better be.

  12. Smollet is the Marxist Mouse Dicks lover, when you can implicate the Black Jesus you better belive your black ass is protected. It was President Jarret and the Obamas who cooked up this hoax along with Booker, Harris and Jackson.

    They were aiming for another Ferguson and to pass the anti-lynching law as well as stir up the gay vote, the perfect trifecta of slime that Juicy was just to stupid to pull off.

  13. I apologize for neglecting to give credit to another anti-America government operative agency that also perpetrates false flags, recruits patsies for bomb threats, and carries out violent riots as needed. That famed FBI and it’s inside criminal stooges. Like the ones that did the 1993 WTC bombing and started the violent riots at the Democratic convention in Chicago using young college-age operatives. They opened up their files to Hillary Clinton in the WH on politicians for blackmail purposes. They have done much more than that. And whatever may be lacking in US intel ops, the Mossad is always partnered with them to accomplish subversion and assassination. JFK was a combined operation. The movies “Enemy of the State” and “3 Days of the Condor” flaunt reality as fiction.
    Written reality:
    Excerpt from Victor Ostrovsky’s, “By way of deception”

  14. In the recent video of “Seattle is Dying”, law enforcement officers mentioned the same exact thing… that they are alone out there and get no support from the Democrat Mayor or any of his honchos. They rarely make arrests and of those that do get arrested, almost all of them are back on the street within days. The results — a once beautiful city is now lawless, dirty, and filled with criminals and druggies.

    Chicago is Dying is the next city on the list.

  15. OK, so there are NO GO ZONES in Moslem areas throughout Europe.
    There are NO GO ZONES forming in Black neighborhoods in US cities.

    Is this going to be a battle between Blacks and Moslems in America?

    White folk had best stand aside and let the games begin!

    Or not.

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