The Sniffer – IOTW Report

The Sniffer

22 Comments on The Sniffer

  1. The imposter has had ZERO contact with other world leaders since he screwed the pooch. He has up to 40K Americans stuck behind enemy lines with no plan or thoughts of getting them out, our woke fucking toy soldiers, Milly and Austin, are clueless and have no plans of saving ANYBODY. We left on the ground some pretty high tech shit that the Taliban will sell to the Russians or Chicoms, we armed the Taliban with a plethora of hand held weapons. And the two imposters go into hiding. I can’t see this maintaining itself much longer.

  2. Brad- And how would the Americans even get out now without our military?
    Tajikistan is sealing up their border because they don’t want Afghanis coming through. So the other option is run to Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan and China? Or Iran and Pakistan? They’re surrounded by shitholery. They should have left on their own when biden was selected. Insane.

  3. ^^^^Yep, different tribe. There was a movie that was released a couple years ago, 12 Strong. Great movie, but it did a pretty good job explaining the Tribal implications of that region.

  4. MJA

    I’m willing to bet the majority of Americans left behind were contractors. You don’t suppose Biden forgot to mention to the contractors that they might want to leave do you? Wouldn’t surprise me.


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