The SOCIALIST RIFLE ASSOCIATION bars anyone associated in any way with law enforcement from joining – IOTW Report

The SOCIALIST RIFLE ASSOCIATION bars anyone associated in any way with law enforcement from joining

Wait. There’s more!

After review of the membership application process, the CENTRAL COMMITTEE of the SOCIALIST RIFLE ASSOCIATION has decided to clarify and amend Article Three: Membership, Section Two: Grounds of Denial of the Bylaws to add an additional ground for denial: active participation in law enforcement.

RESOLVED, that the language of Article Three: Membership, Section Two: 
Grounds of Denial shall be amended to as denoted:

An applicant can be denied admittance into the organization, and a current 
member may be brought up on charges of misconduct, on the following 

1) A history of expressing sympathy or support for fascism or other 
reactionary political ideologies

2) Clear intent to cause harm to the name or structure of the organization

3) Actively participating in exclusionary social ideologies such as but 
not limited to: racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, fascism, and 
religious discrimination.

4) Current employment, volunteer or paid, as any manner of law enforcement officer, to include but not limited to: police officers, correctional  officers, probation officers, peace officers, and any other titles by which a law enforcement officer may be described…


In act of insane irony, the socialists are upset because the National Shooting Sports Foundation rejected their membership.

ht/ janitor

17 Comments on The SOCIALIST RIFLE ASSOCIATION bars anyone associated in any way with law enforcement from joining

  1. These assholes need to be stopped in the courts now. This is the way the left will get their weapons far more easily. The whole socialist left party may be a joke but this is not and it would only take a few of them in the right position to legitimize that faction of the group and use it to gain guns for what they no doubt see as the coming armed conflict.

  2. So some of those Antifa boys want to rock & roll. That’s OK.

    We should never underestimate our enemies. But if these guys think they can take on our police, military, and armed conservatives and win…well, fools are a dime a dozen.

  3. How can they call themselves socialists? History has shown that all socialist regimes use concentration, errrrr, re-education camps that have to be staffed by some enforcement organization. Either the organization is lying or have no clue about history. Never mind, ignore this comment, I just talked myself out of mentioning the words “irony” and “ignorant”

  4. Undoubtedly inspired by watching a few Our Gang shows with He-Man woman haters club. No gurls aloud.

    I can hear them from here: “What? They rejected US?!!! Well, we’ll form a club and reject everyone else! That’ll show ’em we mean business! We’re super cereal.”

  5. An anomaly manufactured by future mental inmates that see great foes and evil doers everywhere they look.

    The left fakes everything. This will have no legs because it’s emotional reactionary B.S. at the core.

    Just like the Coffee Party.

    Maybe the Quixote Party would be more apt.


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