The Sopranos? This is Bass as All Get Out – IOTW Report

The Sopranos? This is Bass as All Get Out

A Twitter user, Brenden Dilley gave President Trump the perfect enter into the den of gangsters known as the D.C. Court system. Funny, The Sopranos was about a mobster trying to pass himself off as a legitimate family man and Washington, D.C. is a hellhole infested with criminals trying to pass itself off as a legitimate government. Watch

28 Comments on The Sopranos? This is Bass as All Get Out

  1. You know I disliked Trump until this moment in the first debate. I think it was asked by Meagan Kelly. How many of you identify as Globalists? Only one hand did not go up. I was hooked. He’s one of us, that gets it.

  2. If you’re not for Trump, you’re not for America! It’s as simple as that. I’ve given up talking to a lot of squishy, spineless, pussies, that think we have to understand what every SOB has had to deal with to get through every damn day. As a nation we are about to have our head handed to us!

  3. that … was cool!

    & yes Brad, he’s one of us
    (to the point that he has been born with wealth, used it & created a capitalist empire from it … a dream that has been born within the framework of the former capitalist system of the United States … & had the audacity to become the leader of our country without their permission)

    … & this is why the Elites (our so-called ‘Betters’) hate him …. & us

  4. Loco, WTF? Which family do you s’pose has brought on the competition? RDS is governor of Florida. Trump is the most successful president since Reagan. The troublesome individual in this is RDS. As interesting as your input can be I think you are diluting your potential influence with your blind support of a good governor of Florida, but a guy that should not be campaigning against Trump. DeSantis would be doing the entire country, and himself, a service by bowing out and endorsing Trump!

  5. joe6, does Trump need to be treated with kid gloves?
    Seriously, iron sharpens iron.
    My “family” comment was about rival Alphas, nothing more.
    The Trump team should ignore DeSantis and focus on their accomplishments and plans for the future.
    Pence & Fatboy are the ones bashing Trump.
    DeSantis has every right to challenge Trump.

    Fact is, DeSantis will debate all comers.
    Be it Trump, biden*, kamala, Newsom, obama, Nikki, Fatboy, Pence etc…
    My guess is none of them have the balls to go through with it.

  6. Loco, you can’t possibly be suggesting that Trump has been treated with kid gloves. Your credibility is on the decline. I’m convinced you’re only taking the devils advocate position in order to run the comments to 100 and then hang another ribbon on your wall.

  7. Loco, RDS because he has the best potential to be a significant candidate in 2028. Nobody else at this time is viable. However, RDS could easily damage his position by falling flat in this primary, and he could dramatically enhance his position by being a team player supporting Trump in a re-election. DeSantis is either getting bad advice or he is getting paid to take bad advice.

  8. “Getting paid to take bad advice”
    Is everything a conspiracy with you?

    DeSantis is in the NUMBER 2 position.
    He will finish at #2 unless Trump is removed by illegal lawfair.
    Then he has pole position.
    Why would he drop out now?
    Makes no sense.

  9. Loco, have you noticed all of us conspiracy theorists have been proven right lately? You should get fitted with a tin foil hat. Get a second one as a backup. By the way, RDS is not in 2nd place in all polls.

  10. joe6, did you ever stop to think that many Americans don’t trust Trump to get the job done?
    DeSantis is a very successful governor who likely feels he can do a better job.
    I believe he can.
    I’m certain Tom Brady felt the same when he practiced with Drew Bledsoe.
    He was very much correct in that assessment…

  11. I love everything about Trumps policies, and if he is the nominee I will vote for him again, as I did twice before.
    I just wish he weren’t the lying, cheating, egocentric, philandering, self important, immoral, dishonest, unrepentant, bastard that he is.

    Every poll shows that every independent voter sees Trump as poison.

    This is going to be like a classic Greek tragedy, watching the Rs choose the one and only possible candidate who could (and will) lose in 2024.

    And yes, it will be a tragedy for America. 4 more years of D and this nation will be just another socialist hell hole.

  12. RDS has shown himself to be a stooge. He could have taken a pass this time around, backed DJT and had an inside track for 2028. Instead he’s shown himself to be a puppet to his donors who just told him to back off with any talk of unfairness in the Trump prosecutions. And he has. STOOGE. And that wife. Good Grief woman, put a fucking sock in it.

    I would never vote for him for anything, now and forever. If he and the other Rs in the race had a whit of a sense of a smell of what the conservative base feels for DJT, they would coalesce behind The President. They don’t, every last one of them are nothing more than blocking dummies. Especially RDS. Fuck him.

    I still do not see a way to get around the massive fraud we all know TPTB are RIGHT NOW engineering to install who ever they want but DJT is our country’s only last gasp hope. Funny thing is even if he miraculously elected, the fight really has only just started.

  13. These people will ruin any thread to keep the non issue of desantis going.

    Crap. I shouldn’t have picked levitation. Maybe there’s still time to swap it for lazer eyes or something.

  14. To be honest, I was really, really liking RDS. Seriously wishing that our eternally wind-testing numb-nuts Abbott was more proactively like him and not so addicted to pre-packaged, photo-op ready, but otherwise meaninglessly toothless actions and proclamations.

    RDS immediately raised Maggie’s Drawers, however, when he unrepentantly, wholesale reneged on his gubernatorial campaign commitment to ‘not seek a ’24 presidential run, but instead, laser-focus 100%, hand on the Bible, getting state biz done as Florida’s best Guv’! The collapse of that facade prompted a serious exploration into his Congressional past, the mechanics of seeming recent wins, and, more importantly a ‘follow the money’ dive into his campaign. You are who you associate with…most assuredly if they are paying the bills! The recent big fat rusty nail was that megabucks Motel 6 or whatever knothead tycoon doing the media preening rounds boasting of how he chastised ‘Tha Guv’ to chill TFO on all that compromised election stuff…that he’s already into RDS 1/4 large and they’d never see another blue dime if Ronnie Boy did not do so, post haste! As our current ersatz Resident would sagely opine in front of every camera available “Well GD” the very next day RDS is so far removed from past, seemingly sincere, expressed concerns over the current state of the U.S. electoral system, that all you can see is a hot smoking trail of dust between here and him on the horizon!

    The man is dishonest, faithless, and a wholesale bought and paid for simping chimera. The sole purpose of his campaign backers is to undermine the President’s voter base by casting doubt and siphoning enough support away via the ‘too lazy to research’, in full coordination with the endless, full-throated, deeply orchestrated fascistic persecution, attempting to remove President Trump completely from the landscape, to manipulate the Primary towards an eagerly malleable subservient prospect.

    Whatever electoral capital RDS managed to accumulate for a ’28 run is gone! He has full fact lost my respect and any hopes of support. Indeed, he has earned my dedicated effort to ensure his backers do not prevail…and I am by no means alone in this endeavor. There is only one candidate currently worth supporting. Not because he is some mythical “The One”, but rather that he’s a man who has been clear-eyed consistent in his common-sense observations regarding our nation’s ills for the past 40+ years. A man who was given the seeds of his family’s business in the city, who went on to grow it one hundred fold, or more, into a successful globe spanning enterprise.

    You cannot compromise the fence-line with evil…it is always an incremental one-way street which permits no retrenchment! You are either hot or cold…if the good are to prevail, there is no standing the middle ground of a no man’s landscape!



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