The Soro’s Candidate for Mayor – IOTW Report

The Soro’s Candidate for Mayor

The field of contenders for the Mayor of Baltimore just became a bit more crowded with high-profile Blacklivesmatter activist DeRay Mckesson filing his papers yesterday.


“I am running to be 50th Mayor of Baltimore in order to usher our city into an era where the government is accountable to its people and is aggressively innovative in how it identifies and solves its problems.”


Perhaps Mckesson should explain how accountable he is to George Soros.

10 Comments on The Soro’s Candidate for Mayor

  1. I really have nothing to say about this. Baltimore and mckesson deserve each other the way a female German progressive deserves a muslim refugee rapist.
    Enjoy that “room to destroy for those (like mckesson) who want to do that”

  2. I moved to MD in 1967 and Baltimore was a shit hole then (reputed). I’m certain Mr. Mckesson couldn’t fuck it up any worse than the present Affirmative Action Mayor and chattering capuchins of the City Council. One more lying thief in a long line of lying thieves isn’t gonna do much more harm.

    MD don’t call em “Balti-Morons” for nuthin!

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